Chapter Twelve: I'm Always Right

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Chapter Twelve: I'm Always Right

"Holy shit!" I shout as I dodge a car mid air.

"Can't you just hold still?" She yells back. She picks up another car that's park on the side of the street and hurls it in my direction.

I let out a humourless laugh. "Oh sure sweetheart! I'll just stop moving so you can hit my with a car and possibly kill me!" My words drip with sarcasm. She hisses at me and jumps up inhumanly high into the air and grabs onto my shoulders. I stare at her face to face whilst struggling to get her off of me. This girl clings onto me with her sharp nails and I'm pretty sure that they are stuck to the fabric of my cape.

"Can you let go of me?" I ask. I stop struggling and look directly into her mask covered eyes. The eye part of her mask has a partially see-through silver net covering it so I cannot see her eye colour.

Oh, and if you're wondering, the "she" I'm talking about is Arachnid. Right now I'm in the midst of a full out battle with this chick in the heart of downtown. She had attacked a clothing store with her pack of spiders and when I swooped in to save the day, she was walking at the front of a conga line of spiders, all of her pets holding web sacks full of clothing items. Mostly, from what I could see, were skinny jeans.

And since I've arrived to the scene, I haven't landed on the ground the whole time we've been fighting in order to avoid being near the giant spiders. They are disgusting. Furry, giant, and have the urge to kill. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating that last one a little bit, but I'm sure if Arachnid told them to kill me, they would do it!

Arachnid's red lips curve upwards and she smiles widely, showing off her whitened teeth. "Oh, sweetheart." She mocks. "I love being close to you though. Especially since you're so... Fine." Her face is uncomfortably close to mine that I'm afraid she will suddenly kiss me. I resist the urge to shiver and I roll my eyes instead. Why are all these girls suddenly magnetized to me? Maybe that's one of my powers... Lady Magnet!

"Yeah, well I don't like being close to you, so either get off me, or I'll make you." My voice is dark and threatening, but Arachnid doesn't seem to care.

"Hmm," she forms an 'O' shape with her lips and moves her face closer to mine so that we are mere centimetres apart. "I like the sound of that." I almost gag and I tilt my face upward slightly so that I can't feel her breath on my mouth anymore.

"Oh, what's wrong doll? Not used to being so close to someone of the opposite gender?" She asks. I look back down at her and frown.

"Really? You're going to play that card?" She just smiles in response. I groan.

In one swift motion, I throw her arms off my shoulders and push her away from me. Her facial expression for a brief moment looks panicky, but then she shoots a web out of her finger tips and attaches it to a construction crane that is on top of one of the buildings. She swings down to the ground and swiftly lands on her feet. I hesitantly fly down to the ground.

"Hey you!" She calls. I lock my gaze onto her and glare.

"What d'you want?" I call back. Her smile widens.

"How well do you handle spiders?"

My blood instantaneously runs cold. No, no, no. No. Please no.

She cocks her head to the side. My face must've visibly gone pale. She stretches her hand out in front of her and before my very eyes, a giant, furry tarantula forms.

It crawls towards me at an incredibly fast pace. Before I have time to react to it, it launches at me and tackles me to the ground. I fall hard to the pavement and have to fight back a scream as the spider stares me in the face with its sixteen black, beady eyes. I can't help but be completely frozen.

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