Chapter Twenty-Three: Fine, Be That Way

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Fine, Be That Way

"Oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna throw up." Dimitri says and dramatically presses his fingers over his mouth.

Gianna rolls her eyes. "Why? Are you disgusted by my presence or something?" Her tone is harsh, and I can't blame her. Her identity just got outed for the second time in two days. I would be pretty angry, too.

"No, not by your presence." He says and stands up straight now. "I'm just-I can't believe for all these years I've had a crush on a girl who can shoot out spiders." He shivers at the thought of it and makes a loud ugh noise.

She unfolds her arms and puts one of her hands on her hip. "Well, I didn't have them the whole time." Dimitri raises his eyebrows, as if to say, does it really matter when you got them; you still shoot out bugs from your hands, and honestly, true. She stomps her foot like she's a child, reminding me of myself a couple weeks ago when I thought Greg drenched my room with water. "Hey, I literally just got them like a month ago. Cut me some slack, buddy." She pouts and, it is in this moment, I am baffled by how I didn't figure out that Arachnid was Gianna sooner, and without having to follow her home. I mean, it's so obvious!

"Okay, okay, relax, lady." He pauses, smirking, but then he furrows his eyebrows and narrows his eyes. "Wait a second..." Uh oh. "Did Arlo know before now? And why are you here?" His voice is demanding and I can tell he's going to be pissed I didn't tell him about this when I found out.

"Uh..." I scratch my neck uncomfortably.

He lets out a gasp. "Arlo Bethany Sanderson!"

"Okay, that is not my middle name. Like not even close-"

He cuts me off. "I can't believe you didn't tell me! You little... little snake." I try to hold back the smile tugging at my lips but I fail. "Quit smiling you two, this isn't a laughing matter." I glance at Gianna and she's shielding her mouth, clearly smiling as well.

"Listen Dimitri. I only found out yesterday. And I promised I wouldn't tell anybody, so that included you." I tell him and plop myself down onto my couch. "And the reason why she is here is because I was going to tell her what's going on, you know, with the bad guys?"

Dimitri purses his lips and gives me the side eye glare. Finally, after what seemed like a decade, he slumps down his tensed up shoulders and exhales loudly, trying to make it seem like we are exasperating him. "Okay," he drawls, "thats fair. At least now I can help you get the whole story right." He jumps over the back of the couch like he's Spider-Man and almost falls off the other side, just barely catching himself. Gianna walks over to us hesitantly. I glance at her and realize the tables have turned. She is now the one with no change of clothes and the fear of more people finding out her identity.

I grunt as I push myself off the couch and run into my room. I pull out the clothes from my closet that Gianna let me use yesterday and I toss them out to her from my bedroom doorway. She doesn't see them and they hit her square in the face, brushing her hair in front of her eyes. Through the curly strands, I see her narrow her eyes at me. My eyes open wide and I look down at the ground. She stands up and pulls the clothes overtop of her Arachnid suit and then sits back down. She's basically drowning in those clothes, considering they were even a little big on me. I sit down in between her and Dimitri, essentially the only spot left on the couch. I mean, I could sit on the chair, but then I'll be by myself and I don't want to be all by my lonesome.

Dimitri takes the reigns and tells her about everything that has happened since the carnival, catching her up on all the need to know stuff. She, surprisingly, stays silent for the entire duration of the overload of information, only interrupting when she needs us to clarify something that she is confused about, like how Plasma and I have been having a little thing going on. I'm not sure what to call it, because now I know its all been fake this whole time, so I'll just call it a thing. She seemed to be bothered by that, saying that that is an awful thing for her to do, and yeah, it is. And Gianna understands because she just went through something similar with Brock.

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