Chapter Thirty: I Need Time

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Chapter Thirty: I Need Time

I lay on the ground, staring up at the bright orange, evening sky with feelings of pure dread and disbelief coursing through me like blood through a vein.

I barely blink... barely breathe.

I can't believe this. How is this real life?

My body is sore, but I feel numb.

The city whirrs past me, all in a blur, but I don't care. Nothing matters anymore... at least not right now.

I can't believe this. I can't believe this.

"I'm so, so sorry." A voice says from beside me, but I don't look to see who it is. It could be freaking Santa Claus for all I care! They're not what's important to me right now.

I need time.

Time to process this.

Time to grieve.

Time to mourn.


The six of us soar through the sky. Zeus, Rancor and Scarlett ahead of us, TC beside me, and I hold Gianna to my chest since she can't fly on her own.

The wind is cool, which is unusual since its the middle of the day almost. And something in the atmosphere feels different. Unusual.

But nobody else seems to notice so I just ignore it. It's probably nothing anyways.

Scarlett dives down and we all follow suit, nearing what looks like a Portside factory. Except there's no smoke stacks which means it isn't currently in use.

My uncle is in there.

We fly to the ground, landing softly as to not draw any attention.

"Here's the sewer system we need to go in," Scarlett tells us quietly as Zeus lifts the cover.

"Before we start," TC says, looking at the group, "does everyone remember the plan?" Be gives me a pointed look.

I frown. "Hey! Why are you looking at me like that?"

He shrugs. "I didn't name any names, kid. You made that assumption yourself."

Scarlett rolls her eyes and looks up at Rancor. "You guys ready?"

Everyone nods and we float down into the sewer, following Scarlett, flying so we don't touch the nasty sewer gunk.

Okay it stinks in here.

I might actually throw up.

Gosh, why am I such a wimp?

Gianna looks up at me and chuckles. "Are you good? You look like you're going to pass out?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?"

She gives me a closed mouth smile. "I'm a little worried, not going to lie."

I nod my head. "We've got a plan and some of the best heroes in the world helping us. We got this."

She looks away. "I didn't mean because there's the possibility we won't win. I meant, I'm worried about you."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh... why?"

"This is probably going to be hard for you. He's your family."

I don't respond.

Suddenly everyone stops, and I nearly run into Zeus's back.

"We're here," Rancor whispers and I feel my body tense up.

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