Chapter Five: Tinder Crunch and Plastic Girl

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Chapter Five: Tinder Crunch and Plastic Girl

I walk down the busy sidewalk, going nowhere in particular. I just had to get away from Greg before I punched him in the face.

The little brat was running around the house singing Let It Go from the movie Frozen. He doesn't even like that movie but he sings it just to annoy me because I despise it to the level where, when my mom bought the movie for herself, the DVD disc got "lost". When she asked me about it I just shrugged my shoulders and told her I didn't know what happened to it. She complained about it for an entire week, saying how she basically threw fifteen bucks down the drain.

I cross the street in a daze and just as I pass by an alley, someone grabs my wrist and the world around me turns into a bright purple mess, and the buildings, the people, everything stretches out into thin strips like spaghetti, and then a boot stomps down and the world is squished into a pancake. The purple light fades away and I'm left with that nausea once again.

I fall backwards and land flat on my back. Okay, that really hurt. I stare at the sky as the world seems to pump with the beating of my heart. I feel an aching pain behind my eyes as well. Teleportation is strange. I slowly move my arm and notice the prickly feeling of grass. Where are we? Then the sounds of kids screaming and laughing fills my ears, along with the sound of screeching from a rusty swing set. Why are we at the park? I prop myself up on my elbow and squint my eyes to black out the sun somewhat, because it's really bright today. Plasma Girl talks to TC, her back to me. TC looks over her shoulder and glances at me as I roll up into a sitting position and frown at Plasma.

"You've gotta stop doing that, Plasma." I grumble, more to myself. Plasma looks back at me and smirks, exhaling a laugh through her nostrils.

"Maybe you just need to get used to it." She quips. How about no? Yeah, I think that's good. No is perfect.

"Stand up, kid." TC says in a rushed tone. I furrow my eyebrows and obey his orders. Wait, why am I doing what he says?

"Don't call me kid." I tell him. He just stares me down. Does this guy like intimidating people? If he were a villain, that's what he'd be known for. They'd call him Intimidationator or something. He'd fly around the city glaring at people until they go crying to their mommies.

I stand up and brush the grass off my pants and crack my stiff back. Dang, my back is going to be sore tomorrow. I look around, observing the surrounding area. Some people look over at us, curious at what we are doing, others flat out ignore us. "So what are we doing here?" I ask, looking back at the two.

"We need your help." Plasma says, stepping forward until she is about a foot in front of me. I look down at her, somewhat awkwardly.

"You two, need my help?" Doubtful. Very doubtful. How could they need me?

TC groans. "Just shut up and listen." He cuts in aggressively. Plasma turns slightly to face him and holds her hand up, in a small gesture to tell him to take it easy and quit being a jerk. Well, at least that is what I assume.

Plasma tucks her blonde hair behind her ear and her pink lips form a small smile. "Yes, Arlo. This isn't a joke." She replies calmly. I like her. She's so much nicer than TC. "We need you to talk to Whiplash." She says in a dry tone. I raise my eyebrows and have to resist the urge to let my jaw drop.

"No way." I say flat out. No way! I'm not talking to that idiot. I kicked his butt, he's not going to want to talk to me. I'm the one who sent him to jail.

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