Chapter Ten: Your Secret Is Safe With Me

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Chapter Ten: Your Secret Is Safe With Me

"Can I ask you a question?" Dimitri asks as we sit on the bus, heading back to his house from the school's homecoming dance. I stop shaking my leg and look sideways at him.

"Yeah, sure." I say, sitting up and resting my back against the back of the seat. The bus around us is practically empty, except for a few people up at the front. But they're either distracted by something on their phones or outside, or they're listening to music through their earbuds.

Dimitri exhales a laugh and shakes his head as he looks down at his clasped hands which rest on his stomach. "Why was Gianna talking to you after the dance?" He asks, his eyes flicking up to meet mine. I purse my lips as I remember our weird conversation. At first it started off by her insulting me, then me insulting her. But then... Oh gosh... But then when I walked away, she turned me around and-

I shiver as I remember what she said to me, 'why are you so hot' were her words exactly. I try to play it off cool, so I shrug my shoulders. "She was insulting me about dancing with Diana, so I insulted her back, then walked off. Then she threatened me." I tell him. It's not like I'm lying or anything. That is what happened. I just decided to leave out the awkward part. I know he has a mild obsession over her, but why does he care, anyways?

He nods his head slowly as he processes what I just said, but doesn't break eye contact. I know what he's doing. Somehow whenever I tell even the smallest of lies, he can tell. He's trying to see if I'm lying. But I won't give him the chance to examine me. I flash him a closed mouth smile and look out the window across from where we are sitting. I sneak a peak at his reflection in the window and he does the same as I do.

Finally, it's our stop. We get off the bus and enter his apartment complex. Him and I take the elevator up to his floor and walk quietly down the hall, as it is late and we don't want to disturb people. Yes, yes... Dimitri and I are polite people. I know, shocking right? Well, it's true.

He unlocks his apartment door and opens it and stares into the dark space. He crosses his arms across his chest and doesn't make a move to walk inside. He just stares into the apartment. I look at the side of his face questioningly. What the heck is he doing?

"Did you suddenly forget how to walk?" I ask him. He shushes me by covering my mouth with his hand. I frown as I roughly remove his hand off my face.

"My mom said before she left that she was going to leave a light on for us when we came home." He says, recalling the conversation we had with his mother before we left for the dance, and before Dimitri's parents left for their business trip. I roll my eyes.

"Maybe she just forgot. Come on, dude. I'm tired. Let's just go in." I try to convince him. He just looks suspiciously into the apartment for a little while longer, before reaching around the wall and flicking on the light switch.

I expected it to be an empty apartment as usual. Boy, was I wrong. There in front of us, stands a monstrous villain. One that can terrify grown men and haunts children's nightmares. There, standing in front of Dimitri and I is... A very disheveled, half asleep Kathryn.

Dimitri and I both let out a scream in terror and she cringes at the sudden light shining into her darkness-adjusted eyeballs.

"Kath! What the hell?" Dimitri yells as he pulls me inside the door and shuts it, getting rid of any evidence that that was us who woke up the entire floor of sleeping people.

Kathryn rubs her eyes and groans. Once she is done, she looks up at the two of us with a scowl. Her eyes are bloodshot red, her hair sticks out in all different directions and her mascara stuff is smudged all underneath her eyes, adding to the death vibe she's got going on.

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