Chapter Six: It's Show Time

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Chapter Six: It's Show Time

Dimitri jumps up and down on the couch excitedly. The throw pillows fall off the couch and some of the cushions start sliding out of their place. This kid needs to take it easy.

"Sit down before you break the couch." I say. He stops bouncing and plops down.

"I'm sorry, but dude! It's so awesome that you can fly! Now you can fly me to school or to Gianna's house when she becomes my girlfriend!" He yells excitedly. I roll my eyes. Can't this guy get the hint that she doesn't like him... In the slightest. Actually, it's not even a hint! It's more of a giant neon sign with flashing lights and arrows pointing at it.

"Umm, no. That's not happening. Someone's going to see and then I'll be exposed. There have already been too many close calls. I don't need one more incident and it end up being the time that I'm exposed. No thank you!" I fold my arms across my chest and stare at the TV which is playing footage of the gun fight after-math. Nobody died, but some guy got shot in the foot while another merely got grazed on the shoulder. If TC and Plasma hadn't broken it up when they did, I'm guessing there would've been a lot more casualties.

"Okay, okay fine." He says as he taps his index finger on his chin. "Can you at least show me that you can fly so that I know you're not lying to me?" He asks. I glare at him out of the corner of my eye. He just wants me to show him. I know for a fact he believes me. Why else would he have jumped up and down on the couch like a middle school girl who just got tickets to a One Direction concert?

"I told you. It happened by accident the first time. I don't know if I'll be able to do it again." A look of disappointment crosses over his face. Then his eyes light up and I can tell he's going to say something stupid.

"We could push you off the balcony, and see if you fly then?" He suggests. Yeah, I was right. S.T.U.P.I.D.

I shake my head. "Dude, that's the worst idea I've ever heard." I grumble. He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Gosh, you're no fun." Dimitri complains. Yeah, I guess I don't like being in near death scenarios. Sorry. Dimitri picks up the TV remote and changes the channel to something more entertaining.

I lay down on the couch and close my eyes to try and drown out my surroundings. Last night I couldn't sleep because whenever I started to drift off, I would get jolted awake from that falling sensation you get. My guess is that it's because of when TC dropped me. Post Trauma, I suppose. I mean, that was pretty traumatic if you asked me.

I allow myself start drifting off and feel as if I'm floating in water. My body seems weightless. And that's when the realization washes over me. I open my eyes and look around me. Holy poop, I am floating! Dimitri doesn't seem to notice though. I don't know how he doesn't, but he doesn't. I guess he's really focused on this episode of The Simpsons.

"Dude." I whisper, trying to not lose focus. He angrily glances at the spot where I was just previously sitting and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. Then he looks up and his jaw drops.

"Hey! You're flying!" He shouts, standing up and swiping his hand underneath me to make sure that I'm not pulling some sort of voodoo magic trick. "How?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and concentrate on lowering myself back down to the couch. But, as to be expected, I fail and come crashing down, landing hard and hitting my head off of the armrest. Ow, okay.

"Well... You were flying. That's a good start." Dimitri smirks. "Hey, I think we should get you a suit." He says as he turns the TV off and stands up. I furrow my eyebrows. Dang it.

"Ugh... Fine." I agree with him. I know I need to get one eventually. But the thought of having to go shop for spandex makes me want to rip out my eyebrow hairs. All of them. I stand up as well and the two of us walk to the door and travel to the mall. Hopefully I don't have to fight any villains this time.

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