Chapter Twenty: You Tell, I Tell

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Chapter Twenty: You Tell, I Tell

Here I am, Arlo Sanders, in my superhero costume, following a villain who shoots out spiders home because I want to know her true identity. I feel like a stalker right now, but I can't seem to stop myself from following behind her at a twenty foot distance, following her every move. Like, I've already been following her for a good ten minutes and we're halfway across the city. While she soars through town on her little web strings, I fly behind her, making sure I don't lose her trail.

Soon, we come over to the wealthier side of town, also known as, where all the snobby kids live. The apartment buildings and condo complexes and skyscrapers and bustling city folk, slowly turned into a gated community where very few people were actually outside and the houses were mansions-million dollar homes-one hundred times the size of my apartment. I furrow my eyebrows. Why would a rich girl need to steal clothes?

When there are less and less structures for Arachnid to swing off of, she makes her way down onto the sidewalk and strolls at a leisurely pace to what I'm assuming is her house. Oh man, this is going to get really awkward and weird if she catches me following her. Let's just hope she doesn't.

Finally, as we near the end of the long street, she turns to one of the last houses on the road and makes her way up the long driveway. There's no vehicles or anything in the driveway, so I'm assuming nobody is home so it won't cause any confusion when a villain waltzes into the house. I fly over to one of the houses and hide myself as best as I can in a bush, watching from afar as she glances around her then enters into the house, using a key under the doormat. I'll just pretend I didn't see that.

Then, she disappears behind the giant oak wood double doors. I sprint across this random person's lawn and stop only when I reach Arachnid's driveway. I search anywhere there might be a name or a clue as to who she is, when I spot a mail box on the porch. I walk up the stone steps and go towards the mailbox. I hesitate fora moment. What if this is where the truth finally comes out, and I discover who she really is? I open up the box and pull out the numerous paper items inside, all of which are simply just fliers for fast food restaurants and car insurance companies, addressed to no one in particular.

I scowl at the fliers and resist the urge to toss them on the ground and fly out of here. Yeah, I know, I'm a child. But I can't help it. I'm bummed out that I found out nothing!

As if on cue, the front door opens, and a wave of panic washes over me as I try to find a place to hide, but then realize there's no use in that because whoever it is probably already saw me. I put on a smile to try and make things less awkward, but that soon fades COMPLETELY away when I see the person standing in front of me, wearing none other than that darned red lipstick.

Her face instantaneously turns pale and her mouth hangs open. "Um, The Current!" She says, trying to act as if she doesn't know who I am. "What brings you here?"

I let out a sigh, but my heart pounds in my chest. I should have known! "I-gosh, okay don't get mad but I know you're Arachnid. I followed you home." I admit, to which a low grumble escapes her lips and she yanks me inside her house. I let out a yelp at the sudden forceful movement but don't resist.

We walk up one of the two staircases in the front of the house and up into a very pink painted and decorated room. Oh gosh, my eyes! It burns! I rub my eyes and when I look up, a very angry and unimpressed Gianna Lopez stands in front of me with a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips. Suddenly she starts pacing around the room like a psycho and mumbling to herself.

I watch her for a moment before taking off my eye mask and tossing it on the pale pink dresser standing beside me. She suddenly stops and shoots me a glare. "Arlo, what the hell?" She finally says. To which I simply shrug my shoulders, only making her frown more, which I didn't know was humanly possible.

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