Chapter Eleven: Are You Following Me?

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Chapter Eleven: Are You Following Me?

Plasma hadn't met us back at the headquarters, and it was getting late so TC and I flew Kathryn and Dimitri home. TC checked their apartment to make sure it was killer-free before leaving us and going who knows where. I thanked him, of course, before he flew off. He just laughed and didn't say anything back, but I took it as a 'you're welcome' regardless of the format he chose to say it in.

Now, I sit on the couch in my own apartment next to Greg, watching him play Mario Kart on the gaming console he got last Christmas. He had 'generously' offered me a turn but I turned it down because I'm not in a very 'gaming mood' at the moment, considering that One and Two could've killed my best friend and his sister.

Gosh, if their parents were to find out about what happened, they'd be the ones to murder me, for sure! I'm really praying that more people that I love don't get compromised because of my powers. I should tell my mum and dad, just in case something does come up.

As if on cue, my mom walks into the living room from her office and greets me with a warm smile. "Hi boys." She says as she walks by us to go into the kitchen. I feel a compelling urge to just run out of here right now, and just forget about today and not bothering to tell mom. But another part of me knows I've got to. I don't know how she's going to react though.

"Hey mum." I say as I stand up and walk around the couch. She turns around and her smile fades when she sees my face. I breathe heavily to try and keep my cool.

"What's wrong hon?" She asks. I try to play it off. I shrug my shoulders and scoff. Wow, so convincing. I mentally roll my eyes at my stupidity.

"Pshh, mom. No, nothing is wrong. I-uh- I just wanted to talk to you about... Something." I tell her, rubbing the back of my neck. I look at my feet and only glance up briefly. She leans against the dining room chair and waits for me to continue, but I shake my head.

"No mum, not here." I say, gesturing behind me to Greg with awkward head motions. She nods her head slowly when she gets it, and she escorts me to her office. Suddenly I feel really nervous. You know when you get so nervous and your teeth start chattering? Well, that's not happening to me right now but I'm still pretty nervous.

Once we are inside it and the door is closed, the two of us sit down side-by-side on the little couch. I inhale a deep, nervous breath, and then it's as if a switch was flicked inside me. I don't know what came over me. Maybe just the craziness from today, maybe built up anxiety, I don't know. But I go to start talking and my voice cracks, and I just... I start crying. Say what you want about me, but if you had two people out to kill you and almost killed your best friend and their sister, and fear that your family could be in danger, you'd be crying too. But it's not like I'm sobbing or anything, all right? There's just a couple of tears.

I lean my elbows onto my knees and press my face in my hands, partly out of embarrassment. My mom rubs my back comfortingly and waits for me to calm down before asking me what's wrong.

It didn't take long for me to pull myself together, as I am clearly a macho man with standards for myself, that may admittedly waver slightly from time to time, but stabilize themselves in the end. I wipe my face quickly with my hands before sniffing the snot back up my nose and turning to face my very confused and concerned mother. And then I spill. I spill everything. Beginning with when I developed my powers, and ending with when I got back to our apartment. Mom stayed silent for the entire time, listening intently while resting her hand over mine.

Once I finish I exhale a loud sigh and feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now, I just need to wait for a response. But she doesn't say a word. She stares at me silently. My guess is that she is processing everything I just dropped on her.

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