Chapter Twenty-Two: Meet Me At My House

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Meet Me At My House

So, this was a complete earth shattering, ground breaking, soul wrenching moment in my life. Uncle Tom, who I thought had disappeared for years, turns out to be my all time favourite superhero, who died. Then, it turns out that he isn't actually dead and is now a rampaging murderer who's trying to get all the fame and glory he believes he deserves. What a psycho am I right? I understand him maybe being angry at Kill Streak, who basically killed him, but what did I do to deserve any of this? What did my family do? What did Thunder Clap and Plasma Girl do?

If anything, he shouldn't be mad at Plasma Girl. She stuck by his side this whole time and was the mole, listening in on everything and busy being a double agent. I'm still salty about that, by the way.

Despite all that has happened though, we need to warn her. Or I need to warn her. Without giving myself away that I know she's working for him. It's going to be difficult and I might just poop my pants a bit, but I need to do it. As much as I'm angry at her, I can't let her die. She thinks she is helping her idol arise to fame, but I doubt she knows his true motive. I doubt she even knows he's related to me. She just knows him as Mindbomb. Her mentor.

I pull out my phone. "Okay, everyone, I need you to leave. I need to warn Plasma." I say and stand up.

"No, Arlo, she can't find out you know about her." TC says, also standing up.

I shake my head. "She won't. I'll just tell her part of what I saw and that I think she's in trouble. I can't let her be in the dark about this. What if he kills her?" TC clenches his jaw, his eyes narrowing. He knows I'm right and I'm sure he doesn't want to see his sister dead. He sighs. "That's what I thought. Dad, go hide somewhere. TC, take Dimitri home. I'm going to call her."

Surprisingly, they all agree and disperse in their different directions without any further arguments. I dial Plasma's phone number and raise the phone up to my ear. She answers on the third ring. "Hey, Arlo, what's up?" She asks, sounding surprised that I called her. Which, fair, I never call people, let alone her.

"Hey, uh-" How do I put this. "I need you to come over for a bit. I need to talk to you." I say, almost nervous. She pauses.

"Oh, um, okay. Sure. I'll be over in a second." She says and hangs up the phone. I slide the device back into my pocket and exhale a loud breath. Oh my gosh, why are my hands shaking. Maybe it's just all the adrenaline from everything that's happened in the past couple of hours. Yeah, that's it.

Not even three seconds later, a surge of purple light appears in front of me and Plasma forms in front of me, flashing a small smile. "Hi, there." She says in a joking around sort of voice, but then she notices my expression and her smile fades. "What's wrong?" She asks. I grab her hand and pull her into my, still messy, bedroom and shut the door behind us. When I turn to look at her, her eyebrows are furrowed and the actually looks... concerned. "Arlo, talk to me." She says and moves closer, placing her hand on my arm.

"I-I saw somehing." I finally say. Okay Arlo, now choose your words carefully. "The Shadow Man invaded my mind again and I was out for twenty minutes, apparently convulsing, according to-" Don't mention TC. I'm supposed to still be mad at him. "According to Dimitri."

She purses her lips into a thin line and inhales a deep breath. "That's... a long time." She mumbles, almost to herself. "I-are you okay?" She asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah, I mean, physically I'm fine. Maybe a little nauseous. But mentally, I'm a little freaked out." She tilts her head to the side, urging me to continue, so I do. "I saw something. Something bad." I whisper. Don't give away too much Arlo, just the basics. Gosh, this is stressful. "I saw the Shadow Man-" Think of something, quick. The vision didn't specify. Use your imagination. "-kicking the crap out of her, knocking you unconscious and then breaking your neck." That works I guess. I mean, he did do that to Kill Streak so it makes sense he might do it again.

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