Chapter Nineteen: Nice Try, But I Don't Think So

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Chapter Nineteen: Bice Try, But I Don't Think So

In these past couple of weeks since I have shunned TC from being anywhere near me, Plasma Girl has made her presence more apparent. She has been coming over to my house frequently, "just to hang out" as she often puts it. Every time though, I feel like she is trying to make moves on me like she did on the ferris wheel. Really, I'm flattered, but I don't think I like her that way. Besides, she's like, older than me? So its weird. I always have to awkwardly squirm away from her, like right now for example.

I was laying on the couch, enjoying my episode of Spongebob Squarepants, when all of a sudden she appears in front of me. I internally groan, because this is my favourite part of the episode. It's the part when Spongebob sings the song Best Day Ever. I know all the words and belt it out, even if I'm off key. But guess what? I can't do that now! Plasma is here so that would be embarrassing. It's embarrassing even being caught watching this show by her. I squirm in the couch like a maniac, fiddling with the remote to change the channel before she can see what I'm watching.

"Hey, Arlo, what you watching?" She asks, just as the channel is changed to a football game going on. I stop squirming and try to play it cool, propping myself onto one elbow and running my other hand roughly through my semi greasy hair.

"Oh, you know... catching up on the game." I say and instantly face-palm myself. Stupid. I literally have never sat through an entire sports game in my whole life. I'm just hoping she doesn't ask me any questions. She smiles and starts walking over to me.

I awkwardly move on the couch to give her room to sit at the end, but she stops me and moves to lay beside me. Um hello? She nestles her head on my bicep thats resting on the couch and presses her body against mine. Erm, now would be a really bad time for someone to come home.

What the heck do I do? I lay back down, resting my head on the armrest of the couch. I literally have nowhere to go. I try to focus on the TV but all I can focus on is how close she is. Like her buttocks is literally pressing into my...

"Okay, um I'll be right back." I say and stand up so fast I make myself dizzy. Plasma gives me a questioning look but doesn't actually question me. I go into the bathroom and rest my hands on the bathroom counter. Jeepers, what on earth is going on? I splash water on my face to try and collect myself and once I'm ready to get back out there, I exit the bathroom, going back to the living room.

When I get there, Plasma is texting somebody on her phone, and when she notices me standing there, she flashes me an apologetic smile. "I have to get going." She says with a pouty face. Thank God. I don't know how much more of that I could have handled.

"Aww, so soon?" I ask, mimicking her pouty face. She nods her head and stands up.

I stand there awkwardly as she makes her way towards me, and when she reaches me, a look spreads across her face. The same look she got on the ferris wheel. Oh boy. She leans in and plants a kiss on my lips, lingering a bit. I try my hardest to not kiss her back but obviously I fail. Like, don't judge me, I'm a teenaged boy! I feel her lips move into a smile and she pulls away.

"See you around." She smirks and disappears. I exhale, loudly, the biggest sigh of relief I ever released in my whole life. That was so stressful.

I jump over the back of the couch, switching the station back to Spongebob, and thats when I notice it, Plasma's phone, unlocked and laying on my couch. I know this is a horrible thing to do and a huge invasion of privacy, but I'm so curious. I pick it up and read the last text exchange she had. The one she must've been doing when I walked out of the bathroom.

To Plasma: Meet me outside the apartment building. There's things we need to discuss. We'll be waiting at the car.

My eyebrows knit together. What the hell? The I.D. says unknown, but clearly she knows who this is.

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