Chapter Nine: That's Enough You Two

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Chapter Nine: That's Enough You Two

I sit by myself at the lunch table waiting for Dimitri to get here. Ignoring the fact that his locker is literally just down the hall from the cafeteria, he always takes forever and I always look like a loser sitting here by myself, waiting for him to show up. This one time I sat here waiting for ten minutes for him and it turns out he was chatting up a very angry and aggravated Gianna Lopez and trying to get her number. This was after she broke up with her old boyfriend, Freddy, and before she started dating her new guy, Brock. So despite her being single and very much on the market to people who like squirrels, she blatantly turned him down without a second thought. It's hard to believe that after so many rejections and obvious hints that she doesn't want anything to do with Dimitri, he still persists on hitting on her. If he were this persistent with his homework, he'd be a straight A student!

"Hey, bro, guess what." I hear Dimitri say from beside me, I quickly look up from my phone and watch him as he passes by me and moves to sit on the other side of the table. He throws his lunch bag on the table and smiles creepily at me.

"What?" I ask curiously. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through something before sliding it across the table to me. I pick it up and look at the picture and the name of the news article on the screen... And I nearly have a heart attack.

"New Villain: Arachnid, Terrorizes Civilians with Giant Spiders." I read aloud. I look up at him and gulp. Giant spiders? My biggest fear has come to life! I look at the picture and shiver uncontrollably at the sight of giant, furry tarantulas walking (more like rampaging) in the street and flipping over cars. Dimitri starts chuckling and snatches his phone out of my hand, glancing at the picture, then scrolling further down the screen.

"Hey, even though you're scared of spiders, you can't be scared of this, or deny how sexy this villain is." He shows me another picture, this time of the actual villain. It's a girl? She's got long, dark brown hair that's curled and wears a vibrant red lipstick. Her super suit is all black with a weirdly sparkly, white spider web design all over it, and she wears a black mask to cover her eyes. I shiver again.

"That's pure evil." I mutter and take my sandwich out of my lunch bag. He laughs again and does the same.

"You're still scared of spiders, huh?" He asks. I nod my head and frown at the memory of the spider in my fridge. "Dude, you're such a wimp." He says before stuffing a bite of his sandwich into his mouth.

"Like, come on. Most spiders are harmless, and even the ones that are dangerous, they're not going to hurt you if you don't bother them." He continues through the mouthful of food. I scrunch up my nose at the chewed up food in his mouth.

"Well now that they're giant... Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're going to hurt me. They flipped over cars and everything!" My voice cracks and I actually face-palm myself. Shame... Shame. So much shame. Dimitri just cracks up and shakes his head.

"It's not funny." I whine. Wow, okay, now I'm acting like a whiny little Greg. The embarrassment needs to stop. I decide that to keep whatever dignity I have left, I should probably keep my mouth shut and just eat my lunch.

We sit silently for a while, contently eating our food. This sandwich is so good, it's hard to believe that I made this thing. I'll have to remember to high five myself later for this. Even though it's just peanut butter and jam, it's like, really awesome. I should become a chef. Hah, who am I kidding? I can't become a chef. I barely know how to make macaroni and cheese.

I stuff the remaining piece of sandwich into my mouth and after swallowing it, I take a long sip of water from my water bottle.

"Oh, I wanted to ask you a question." Dimitri says, breaking the silence. I turn my attention to him, realizing that I was staring at some random girl a couple tables over, and she was looking at me all freaked out.

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