Chapter Four: Once Upon A Time

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Chapter Four: Once Upon A Time

I sit in last period chemistry class, staring blankly at the board while Mr. Takeshita explains the magic of chemical reactions to a sea of distracted students. He has been going at this for the past thirty minutes now, and it's getting very tedious. There's a point in every guy's day where he just can't stand listening anymore, and I'm getting to that point.

I could just walk out of here right now and get a head start going home. Wouldn't that be glorious? Sure, I'd probably get into trouble, but oh well, I'm feeling rebellious.

I look at the clock on the wall; less than ten minutes until I get to go home, and leave this dreadful place!

Thank goodness.

Why is this class so boring?

I'm sure that Mr. Takeshita is the only person who actually enjoys listing off the properties of a baking soda and vinegar reaction for half of the seventy-five minute class.

Like, come on, we all know what happens.

It's not like we are in grade one and performing this experiment for the first time. We are in grade eleven, and this is a grade eleven class. There's no need to tell us that when the two reactants mix, the juices get all "bubbly".

Yes, those are his exact words. I didn't say bubbly for the sake of it.

Dimitri sits next to me, groaning loudly as if he is being tortured. It's a miracle that he hasn't gotten detention yet for disrupting the class. I guess Dimitri forgot to bring his GameBoy to class today. I can't believe he still plays with that thing... Especially in school.

I glance around the room and look at the half asleep students. What's the point in even teaching right now? There's five minutes to the end of class. Nobody in the class is listening to Mr. Takeshita, so really, there is no point! Well, except for maybe that kid who sits in the very front of the class; Kaleb I think his name is. But whatever, he is not relevant to the story.

I grip my hand against the edge of the desk and try to tune out the sound of the kid on the other side of me drumming his pencil on his table.

Gosh, ever since I've gotten my powers my senses have been heightened. Certain smells that I previously enjoyed now make me want to throw up, small sounds sometimes get amplified to the point where I want to explode my own eardrums, and I hear everything... Within a thirty foot radius that is. It's brutal. I can even hear my heart beating in my chest when I'm trying to sleep.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

What is the satisfaction of tapping your pencil anyway? There is nothing revolutionary that comes out of tapping your pencil. So what is the point? Maybe endorphins get released from the fact that you annoy everyone around you.

Evil dude.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

Oh my gosh, shut up kid. I squeeze the corner of the table to keep myself from exploding. I turn and glare at the kid but he doesn't seem to notice because his eyes are closed and he's listening to music through his earbuds.

Before I know what's happening, there's a crack sound and the corner of the desk breaks off into my hand.

I look at Dimitri. Him and I share the same look of utter shock.

"Dude..." He whispers to me and looks around to make sure nobody else noticed. Surprisingly nobody did. Maybe it's due to the fact that ninety-seven percent of the class is wearing their earbuds and listening to their music, completely ignoring the teacher's lecture.

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