Chapter Seven: I Will Always Love You

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Chapter Seven: I Will Always Love You

I swoop down from the sky, and land a little harder than anticipated, on the asphalt in front of the police line. They quickly aim their guns at me. "Oh shit, another Super." One of them says. I smirk. Oh goody.

I turn to them slowly, glancing over my shoulder before turning my whole body around, and stand heroically with my hands clenched into fists and placed on my hips, with my feet hip width apart and chin tilted up. "Do not fear... For... I-uh, I am here." I shake my head disapprovingly at my opening sentence. Wow, am I a failure or what? In my defence, it's not my fault I don't have a name yet! Okay, well maybe it is... But I'm not creative at coming up with names, and all the names Dimitri suggested were stupid, the first one being Water Boy. I still cringe at the thought.

"Who are you?" The cop asks. I open and close my mouth like a fish while trying to think of an answer. Really Arlo? Remind me to face-palm myself later.

"That is to be determined later." I finally say after a much awkward pause. I hear chuckling from behind me and turn around to see the villain, dressed in his all black suit with a giant bug on the chest of his suit. I smirk. Wow, and I thought my suit was bad.

"Hah! A hero... Without a name. How sad." He feigns sadness and then chuckles again. I roll my eyes. This guy is a total loser.

His "goons" walk up behind him. Some completely unarmed, looking a tad bit intimidated. Others hold baseball bats and crowbars. Hmm... How cliché of them. Oh, and they all wear balaclavas over their heads.

I tap my finger on my chin and furrow my eyebrows. "Uhh, and what's your name, exactly?" I ask. Maybe if I make him mad enough, he'll just explode bugs out of every hole in his body and destroy himself. He growls angrily at me. Oh, maybe he'll do that right now.

"You don't know who I am?" He says angrily. Hmm, guess I'm out of luck then. I shake my head, no, in response and he growls even louder.

"I am BUG-O-TRON. The ultimate bug wielder in this universe." He states proudly. I try really hard to refrain from laughing. I tried biting my tongue, even thinking about dead puppies! But I couldn't help myself. I start laughing loudly at the stupidity of  "BUG-O-TRON" as he called himself.

"Stop laughing!" He yells and I double over in fits of laughter. "It's not funny!" He shouts. Through the tears of laughter I can see some of his henchmen chuckling, even some of the cops behind me laugh as well. I've started a laugh attack!

He looks around frantically and starts saying the word "no" over and over again, before turning to me. "YOU." He says angrily. I wipe a tear from my cheek.

"Sorry buddy, but that's the funniest thing I've heard all day." I say after calming down a bit. He raises his hand directly out at me and shoots out millions of ants at me. They miss. I watch them as they fall to the ground and start walking away. I look back up at him and realize he's doing the same thing as me. He looks up and raises the other hand. "Take this!" He shouts and shoots bees. I roll my eyes and yawn. Boring!

I raise my hand at him and focus all my energy on moving the water to my fingertips. Once it's gathered and I'm confident in myself, I smile. "My turn." I say dramatically and shoot the ball of water from my hand. It hurdles towards him and he doesn't have time to react because before he processes what's happening, he's being hit by the blast of water and is launched backwards. He crashes into a few of his buddies and they go tumbling down with him. I smile victoriously. The goons who remain standing look at them, then to me. The bug kid says something that I can't hear but I assume it is along the lines of "get him", because they start walking towards me, bats swinging, crowbars at the ready. I watch them and try to think up a game plan.

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