Chapter Fifteen: Well, This Is Embarrassing

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Author's Note: Two chapters in one weekend!!?? Insane! Happy Sunday! :)


Chapter Fifteen: Well, This Is Embarrassing

I close my eyes for a brief moment and snuggle into my fluffy pillow, but when my eyes open once again, I have to let out a groan. How is it that when you have to go to school, you close your eyes for half a second and it's already almost time for you to leave?  I turn my alarm off before it has the chance to annoy my beautiful self and roll out of my bed and onto the floor.

It's been about two weeks since the incident that took place with the shadow man at the warehouse and I've missed a lot of school, and my family has been put under twenty-four hour watch, courtesy of TC. I appreciate it, and I'm sure my family does too, but they're also quite annoyed because he is constantly following them, watching over them wherever they go.

I tried to tell him to lay off a little bit, but does he listen? Nope! He told me I was in-denial and should really visit the guidance counsellor. To which I rolled my eyes and went to my room.

Today is my first day back to school and I am totally dreading it. I stand up from the floor and go have my shower. Once I'm dressed and ready, I go to the kitchen and begin the process of breakfast making.

"Get the bowl. Grab the milk. Pour the cereal. Mix it all together and you have a hardy meal." I sing to myself in a low voice. I hear a loud snort from the living room and TC bursts into laughter. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I call to him.

"Kid, did I say anything?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen and hops onto the counter.

I move myself over to the table and begin stuffing my Fruit Loops into my mouth. "No... But I developed the ability of mind reading and was trying to stop you from speaking before you actually did."

He starts floating. "Yeah, sure you did. You really do need some 'professional help'." He mocks. I sigh, almost spitting out my food, and look over at him.

"I am going to punch you." I grumble. He chuckles.

"Ooh, I'm so scared! I'm shaking in my boots!"

I quickly finish the remainder of my cereal, not getting to fully enjoy the wonderful fruity loops. I put my dishes in the dishwasher, grab my backpack and leave the apartment before I actually do punch him.

I walk down the street and meet Dimitri at his apartment. We walk to school, him filling me in on all the latest gossip. Apparently Gianna and Brock broke up, because apparently Brock has been cheating on her with some girl named Sandy Wills. Oh, the drama. I feel bad for Gianna though. Now that she is single, Dimitri is going to be ruthlessly hitting on her until she gives in to going on a date with him.

We arrive at school and I look around at all the mopey faces of people walking into the building. I breath in a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Ahh, smells like sadness and bored students." I joke. Dimitri laughs and pulls me into the school whilst shaking his head. I walk through the halls and feel as though people are staring at me, but I doubt it. Why would they be?

After a while of feeling awkward with many eyes following me, I turn to Dimitri. "Are people staring at me?" I ask in a rush. He looks around us and then back to me.

"Uh, no dude. Don't be so self centred." He jokes and opens his locker to put away his bag and grab his books. I look around us and sure enough, nobody is looking at me. That's weird.

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