Chapter Sixteen: Yep, He Is Blind

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Chapter Sixteen: Yep, He Is Blind

I sit on the couch in the living room doing homework while Dimitri is annoying the crap out of TC. Dimitri keeps asking him questions about random things, to which TC responds with a simple 'yes', 'no' or 'I don't care', and the occasional 'leave me alone, you idiot'. Is it wrong of me to say that it brings me joy?

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Leave me alone, you idiot." TC grits out through his teeth.

"Have you ever broken any bones?"

"Yes." TC pauses for a while then turns to look at Dimitri. "Have you?" He asks. Dimitri shakes his head slowly.

"No..." He trails off.

"I can change that for you if you want." TC has his threatening voice on. Dimitri moves away from him slightly.

"I'm good, thanks." He laughs nervously. I glance at TC and he has the slightest hint of a victorious smile on his lips. I shake my head and look back at the chemistry work displayed before me.

"I'm surprised Arlo can get any work done right now, with this nuisance over here." He nods his head in Dimitri's direction. Dimitri is completely oblivious to it because he is looking at something on his phone.

I exhale loudly and tap the eraser end of my pencil onto my binder repeatedly. "Yeah, well I have to deal with his shenanigans everyday. I'm used to it."

"True." He replies simply. He glances at the balcony and then rushes up to his feet. I furrow my eyebrows and follow his gaze to where he is looking, as does Dimitri, and I stand up as well. The balcony door slides open and in marches a suited up Arachnid. I walk passed TC and towards her. She stands by the door, hands clasped in front of her and slightly fidgeting.

"Hey." She says quietly and waves. She glances behind me and looks at TC and Dimitri, and her eyes lock on Dimitri and I swear I hear her breath hitch in her throat.

She looks back at me and ignores the two behind me. "Hi, uh... What are you doing here?" I ask. She pauses for a moment, probably to think over what she is going to say.

After a while she makes eye contact with me and says, "I heard about what happened today at school, and I wanted to make sure you were okay and that this doesn't have anything to do with that...that bad guy."

"Wait, you go to our school?" Dimitri pipes up from behind me. I turn around to respond, but when I do, TC has him in a headlock and is covering his mouth, removing him from the room. I smirk and roll my eyes and face Arachnid again.

"Well, we think that what happened was because of him. I was hallucinating and stuff, so that seems to be under this guys' category of powers." I reply. She purses her lips.

"I was afraid you would say that." She mumbles. "So what is your plan?"

"The only plan we have right now is to keep my mind busy so that there isn't any room for him in my mind. So homework, playing games like Scrabble or charades, doing crosswords. Stuff like that."

She chuckles. "You went from average teenager to elderly person in an old folks home." I roll my eyes. Geez, way to make a guy feel self conscious.

"Okay, very funny." I say sarcastically.

"Okay, I'll let you get back to your homework now. I just wanted to make sure you were all right." She walks over to the balcony again, closing the door behind her, and disappears over the railing. I let out a long sigh and rub my face

I walk back to the couch and sit down. "Okay guys, you can come back now!" I call. Dimitri practically falls out of the bathroom and quickly scrambles up to his feet. TC furrows his eyebrows at him as he strolls out of there behind him.

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