Chapter Twenty-Seven: Congrats To You As Well

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Congrats To You As Well

I shake my head in disbelief.

No... that's impossible. I couldn't have a crush on her. The last girl I had a crush on was Macy Williams from the third grade and I only liked her because she played Pokémon with me at recess.

Gianna has never played Pokémon with me so why would I have a crush on her?

I quickly put on my clothes and open the bathroom door and walk straight into Greg who stands there giving me a look.

"What do you want, Gregory?" I ask with narrowed eyes at him.

He looks into my room across the hall. "Why is there a girl asleep on your bed?" He asks, turning back to me.

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry about it. You're too young to understand." I make a move to walk by him but he steps in my path, blocking me. I look down at him.

"Is she actually your girlfriend like mom said?"

"Dude, no. Don't be silly. She's just my friend." I reply plainly as if it were the most preposterous question he could've asked.

He smirks. "So she's your girl friend?"

"I just said she's not my girlfriend." I frown.

He shakes his head. "No... like a girl... who's a friend. A girl friend."

I sigh and shut my eyes to compose myself so I don't smack him. "Yeah, I guess."

"You guess what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I clench my fists. "I guess she is my girlfriend, you idiot! Are we done here?"

He giggles and holds his phone up in front of his face. "You heard it here first, folks! Arlo has a girlfriend!"

Then he runs away.

A growl rips up my throat and I throw my clothes to the ground and chase after him. "You little twerp!" I shout and launch myself at him.

We crumple to the floor and I smack his butt as hard as I can.

Okay, well maybe not as hard as I can, because that would probably send him flying across the room into the wall, but I hit him hard enough for it to leave a mark.

Greg screams. "Mom!"

Mom walks around the corner and grabs my wrist before I can smack him again. "Hey! Quit spanking your brother!"

"But he's bugging me!" I whine as I stand up.

Mom glares at me with her mom face and I huff out an exasperated breath.

"Greg," mom says and look at the little demon sitting on the floor, "go pack your bag for school."

Greg stands up and bumps me with his shoulder on the way by.

I clench my hands into fists again and am about to turn around and deck him when my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I reach into my pocket and see Dimitri is calling me.

I accept the call and hold the phone to my ear as I walk towards my room. "Hello?" I ask.

"Dude," he says, "are you coming to school today?"

I shake my head but then realize he can't see me. "Uh, no. TC still thinks it's too dangerous."

"Perfect. Let me in." He says and then there's a knock at the door.

I walk over and open it, revealing Dimitri standing there with the phone up to his ear.

He lets his arm drop and hangs up the phone, stuffing it in his pocket.

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