Chapter 4

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 It was her second week working as the personal secretary at the F.Ali company. Her job was going good. This job had done wonders to her depressed state. She no longer had the time to think about her messed up life as she woke up early in the morning and came home in the afternoon, too tired to do anything but collapse on the bed and sleep. 

Her dates with her fiancé had grown lesser as well. She had gotten very busy and he was busy with his clinic too.

It was a typical mundane Tuesday morning and she was working on her computer in the office. 

Mr. Ali had piled so much work on her head that she felt like she was the only employee in the whole company.

She didn't really mind though as she enjoyed working. It really kept her mind off things and made her feel useful for once.

By the time she was finished with that endless amount of papers he had given her to type, her head was throbbing mercilessly. Her back was aching too with bending in front of the computer for so long. And not to mention her grumbling stomach. She was famished; she could eat a horse. Oh no that would be so ewww she thought as she literally imagined herself eating a horse.

It was 1:00 PM. She had been working for six hours straight. She hadn't realized how fast time had flew for the workaholic she was. That's why she chose such a busy job; it helped her keep her mind off depressing thoughts. She could use a lunch break for sure.

She picked up her bag that was discarded on the carpeted floor in the cabin and decided to go to a cafe to eat something.

"Where do you think you are going Miss Areesha?" She turned around to find her boss standing behind her with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his raised eyebrow.

Oops. She had forgotten to ask her boss. During the past week she had tried much to get used to her annoying boss, but that was very difficult for her as he was a little too demanding but he had no right whatsoever to question her like the owned her. He could have asked her politely with some manners too.

"I don't think I am going anywhere; I am sure." She replied with a roll of her eyes. Tit for tat!

"So where are you sure you are going?"

"I'm going out for lunch."

"Ok. I'm coming along. Wait a second." he turned to go back to his office.

"And what makes you think that I am going to take you with me?"

"Nope. I don't think so; I am sure!" He said smirking repeating her earlier line with an air of mocking her.

"No you are not. What makes you so sure that I'm gonna let you come along?" She retorted

"Umm.. maybe the fact that I have your job in my hands." he replied to her taking a minute to think with his fingers tapping his chin mockingly.

Areesha hated it when someone could blackmail her like that. She had no choice but to comply to his wish.

He went back inside his office and came back with his coat draped over his arm and a pair of avatars in his hands.

They went to the elevator together and as they reached the ground floor Areesha speed walked to out of the building.

She went towards her car and waited for her boss to come.

"Come on, we're taking my car." He told her beckoning her to come.

She complied and followed him towards his car.

It was a red Lamborghini. She had never sat in one.

"Oh wow! I'm totally in love with this car." she exclaimed despite her initial annoyance towards him as she sat in the leather seat.

Choosing HimOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara