Chapter 32

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As soon as this reached 30 votes I published this chapter. And I asked for at least 40 comments guys and its hardly 20. Next time I am not going to be updating till I get those lovely comments and votes!

And thank you so much every one who send me good wishes and encourage me through there kind words. Thank you so much! You don;'t know how much that means to me!

"Areesha are you ready yet?" Fawad yelled from outside.

"Sabr karlo (have patience)" She yelled back as she piled her hair on the top of her head and secured them in a band. Then she took out a matching hijab and wrapped it around her head. That was right. She was wearing the hijab for the first time while leaving the house.

She just hoped Fawad would like it. But she was doing this for Allah not for him. She had finally gotten the courage to wear it and had realized its importance. Some girls actually used hijab as a fashion accessory. The hijab was to hide your beauty not to show it off. Her sole purpose was to wear it to please Allah and keep away from the lustful gazes of other men.

 With one last look at herself in the mirror she headed out of their room while putting her phone in a clutch. She hadn't bothered with much makeup except for a light mascara and lip gloss.

A couple of weeks had passes since they were living together. And she could say that she was adjusting in the new atmosphere. She had bonded very well with Fawads parents and she was best friends with Maya anyway. Fawad had taken a lot of care of her during all this time and it would be safe to say that she was falling for him. Hard. 

He had changed her so much even though she had vowed not to change for a guy. But Fawad didn't change her for himself he changed her for herself. If that made sense. He had changed her for the better. Now there was a positive attitude in her. She would look at the positive side of everything. 

She felt important. As if she meant something. Fawad had made her realize her true worth. He made her believe in herself. He believed in her when she didn't believe in herself. He made her feel like the most important woman for him. One look from him and her heart would flutter with happiness.The kind of happiness that gave the word a new meaning.

The horn from outside snapped her out of her thoughts and she took it as her cue to leave. Right now Fawad was taking her God knows where. He had told her to dress up comfortably and no other hint.

She hurried out of the house after bidding goodbye to everyone else.

"What took you so long to get ready?" Fawad asked her glancing at his watch as she sat in the car.

Then he glanced at her and his mouth hung open. Areesha looked at him weirdly and then realized that he wasn't used to seeing her in a hijab outside. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. But she didn't care if he didn't like it.

"What?" She asked him insecurely and he snapped out his trance.

"You look so-"

"I know. No need to rub it in." She snapped at him.

"What?" He looked at her confused. "I was going to say that you look beautiful."

"Oh. Thanks." She replied awkwardly.

"Areesha you have nothing to be insecure about. I love the way you are and for me your the most beautiful woman ever." He said and Areesha could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"Right. Thank you. I-I just thought that you didn't like the hijab."

"What? No! Of course not. In fact I always wanted you to cover to save you from the society's eyes. I just never said it in case you felt forced." He admitted. 

"Oh." It just melted her heart that her husband was so considerate. She had known enough people where their husbands would force them to wear hijab. She was so lucky to have him.

"You look so breath taking. I want to take you right now. How about we just stay home?" He said to her in a husky voice and Areesha swallowed suddenly feeling shy. Her heart that was only designed for pumping blood was doing weird things her.

"Fawad start driving." She said to him firmly.

"Yes madam!" He said and started driving.

"Where are we going by the way?" She asked as he turned the car into the suburbs of the city.

"Surprise!" He said to her cheerfully.

"Give me a hint."

"It is for us." He said pointing between himself and her.

"What sort of hint is that?" She said frowning trying to make out what he meant.

Fawad just shrugged and said "Have patience sweetheart."

"I don't have that." She said whining.

Fawad chuckled and grasped her hand and kissed it.

"Fawad we are going to get into an accident." She said worriedly as he held her hand and kept glancing at her.

"There is no traffic." He said to her. It was indeed a quiet area with no cars in sight.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" She asked again.

"Nope." He said popping the p.

She held his hand and rubbed circles on them with her finger. His hands were so soft and big. She played with the ring in his finger while he drove the car with his other hand.

"Seriously you do things to me that I never knew were real." Fawad said to her.

Areesha didnt reply to that. In fact she didn't get a chance to. All of a sudden a motor bike zoomed past them and Fawad had to steer his car abruptly so as not to get hit. 

Before he could get out of the car to give the boys on the motor bike a piece of his own, the motor bike stopped in front of their car at a distance.

As the road was narrow he couldn't over take them so he had no choice but to apply brakes abruptly making Areesha fly over to the dash board and bump her head as she wasn't wearing a seat belt.

He checked her head and saw that there was a a little blood trickling from it. 

He angrily got out of the car and faced the guys on the bike.

As he approached them both of them took out a gun.

Areesha's hand shot to her mouth and she got out of the car worriedly and went beside her husband who shot her a glare that clearly said 'get-back-inside-right-now.' But she ignored him and stood right beside him.

"Hand over all your belongings." The taller guy said pointing a gun towards his forehead.

"Or else?" Fawad replied haughtily. He was scared for them deep inside but he had to keep this stance for his wife who seemed to be shivering beside him.

"Or else this pretty little girl beside you is dead." The other guy said mockingly and pointed a gun towards Areesha too.

This was enough to rile him up.

"Shut it boy." He snarled at him with a dangerous look in his eyes.

 The guy made Fawad turn out his pockets and took away his mobile and watch.

The other guy meanwhile went into the car and turned the ignition on. The taller guy who was taking Fawad's belongings approached Areesha.

"You've gotten a beauty next to you." He said touching her cheek and Areesha flinched back.

This was the end of Fawads patience and he lunged at the guy who said that.

"Fawad no!" Areesha yelled at him as he tried to wrestle the gun out of the guys grasp.

Suddenly, a gun shot was heard making Areesha flinched horribly.


To be continued..........

I am so evil.

Fawad is going to die!!!!

Oh and by the way I am writing a new book and its going to be up soon!

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