Chapter 15

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Salam people!

Hope you all are satisfied by my updating schedule. I have a calculus and physics exam tomorrow please do pray for me! I am so nervous...

This update is specially so that u guys can pray for me. :D

Enough abt me.. enjoy the chapter.

"Hey Fawad? Salam bro." Zayan said into the phone. He and Fawad had surprsingly become good friends now as Fawad would often come to drop Maya at his place.

"Wasalam Zayan. What's up?" When he picked up the phone.

"Are you free?"


"Ok so you wanna meet up somewhere?"

"Yeah sure!"

"Right so there's a cricket match going on in the SA stadium. You wanna come along?"

"Really? Sure. When is it?"

"In twenty minutes."

"What? And you're telling me now!?"

"I just found out myself. Now get your ass to my house and then we will drive together. Or shall I come over? "

"No I'll be there in fifteen."

"Ok buddy. I'll be waiting then."


They went to the match and had a blast. Both were fans of cricket and their friendship just strengthened.

After the match they went out for dinner to a restaurant which also happened to be Areesha's favorite 'Royal Foods.'

"This is Areesha's favourite isn't it?" Fawad exclaimed when Zayan pulled his car in front of one.

"Yeah. How do you know?" He asked surprised. 

"Oh well came here and she told me." He replied the tip of his ears turning red.

"Did you now?" He said when he noticed that Fawad was slightly blushing.

"Yeah." he said feeling awkward. Zayan had a suspicion of Fawad's feelings the way he mentioned Areesha every now and then. 

"You know we're looking for a guy for Areesha." He said casually in an attempt to get out a reaction from him.

"What? Found anyone?"

"Yeah quite a few actually." He replied pretending to be non-chalant.

"So who are they?" Fawad said trying to cover his bitterness.

"A few of my friends who are interested." he replied shrugging.

"I see."

"Why, are you interested too?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What?! No!" Fawad said a little too quickly.

"So you aren't interested in getting married?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"Oh that. My mom is looking for a few girls but she hasn't found the perfect one."

"Have you?"


"Found the perfect girl?"

"Umm... maybe."

"You aren't sure?"

"I am. But I don't know about the girl."

"How about I ask her then?"

Choosing HimOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora