Chapter 7

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 A very angry mother was sitting at the dining table faced them.  

"Where were you Areesha? No note and your cell phone was turned off too. I've been worried sick about you." Her mother said to her angrily with her hands on her hips.


"Assalam-o-Alaikum Mama." Zayan interrupted her nervously as he entered  the house behind Areesha that evening after they came from the Amusement park.

His mother did a double take at seeing him here after so much time. She had thought that he had left them.

"Walaikum salam. And what are you doing here may I ask?" She said looking at him with an emotionless face.

"Mama I came here for you two. I missed you people." He said to her while Areesha watched the entire exchange uncomfortably.

"Oh really? I thought you had forgotten about us after all we did for you!" She said sarcastically. He knew convincing his mother would be nothing like his sister.

"I'm sorry." He said looking down.

"Yeah right!" She snorted and went to her room.

"Don't worry. She'll come around soon." Zayan said patting his sister's shoulder as he looked at her worried face.

"Funny how that should have been my line. I'm such a fucked up person." She said to him shaking her head as she plopped down on the couch.

"Stop swearing Areesha!" Zayan reprimanded her angrily.

"What else do I do with this life then?" Her eyes suddenly welled up with tears.

One second she was all laughing and smiling and the next she was crying. If Zayan didn't know better he'd think that she was being bipolar.

"Areesha, you're going to get nowhere with all that self pity. Come out of that. You have accepted what has happened but you don't stop wallowing in self-pity. Life can be unfair and hard, yes, but that's never a reason to give up everything or give in to despondency. This is a test from Allah. Allah gives you the strength to endure whatever He tests you with, you just need to use that strength."

"No. I don't have that strength."

"You do. If you feel like you can't do it anymore, pray to Allah. We are living to please Allah. Don't make someone else your destination. Your aim should be pleasing Allah and Him alone. If you think you were living because of Aamir's love, then you are wrong. You won't die without him. Life will go on. People come and go from your life. Allah is the only one who stays forever. You only need Allah's mercy to live. Ask him for mercy. He's the Most Merciful. Turn to Him, not away from Him. " He said trying his best to make him understand.

"I know. You are right. I just keep forgetting my destination." Areesha said with her head hung low.

"Keep reminding yourself then. What's for dinner?"

"Nothing." For the past few days she had been having leftovers or just ordered something. Her mother always ate with her friends outside.

"Ok. Let's make something then!"

"Nope! I am not cooking today."

"Who said we are eating your food? I don't want to die of food poisoning. It's to early for me to die!" He joked

"Who else is cooking then? You?" She scoffed.


"You? Do you even know how to light the stove?" She said sarcastically.

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