Chapter 41

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They were all sitting outside in the hall with their lips desolately moving under their breaths pleading Allah to save her. Fawad had been glued to his seat as he fixedly stared at the ICU door as if begging with his eyes for it to open.

He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, heck he couldn't do anything but pray for her. He needed her to be okay along with their baby. His clothes were wrinkled but he couldn't care less. All he needed was her.

It was agony to wait for her to wake up. It felt like she had been in the surgery room since forever. Seconds were passing like minutes and minutes like hours.

His heart was drumming wildly in fear. Any minute he could lose her, forever. 

No. He must not let negative thoughts come in his brain.

He couldn't imagine a life without her. He tried to distract himself by her memories. Memories were all he had right now. And he was scared if he she left him forever with only her memories. He had never felt more scared in his life.

A tear escaped his eye and dribbled down his cheek, wetting his stubble. He shook his head at himself. He had to be positive. She would survive. She was strong.

A small smile adorned his lips as he remembered the first time he had seen her. She was that feisty girl who knew how to stand up for herself. He thought about the time when they had gotten married and when she moved into his house after her rukhsati. Ever single moment they had spent together flashed in front of him and his eyes blurred with tears.

He had never known that his wife would mean so much to him one day. He thought he had loved her before she had moved in with him but he was wrong. He had experienced true love after they had started living together. He had gotten to know her properly then. They had seen each other in their worst. That's when he gotten to know her properly. 

He remembered how she had cried when she had found out about the baby and then she told the entire family about the baby with so much happiness. He remembered the first time they had seen the baby in the tests and heard its heart beating and when they had found out it was a boy. 

As time had passed and the baby had grown in her her clothes didn't fit her an she had gotten worried that he wouldn't like her any more but how could he not like her. He had fallen in love with that woman who had the kindest heart he had ever seen. Her idea of comfortable was wearing his tee shirts during her pregnancy. She practically owned all of his tees and he had to get them from her wardrobe whenever he needed them.

He thought about how she would talk to the baby when she was having a hard time. He would lose that all now. The doctors had so little hope about the baby's survival and he knew that life would never be the same. He just wanted his Areesha to be okay and they would worry about the baby later.

He was shaken out of his deep thoughts when he saw someone placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the doctor. His heart started drumming faster in his chest as he eyed the doctor's grim expression. 

What had happened?

"Mr. Fawad, your wife is not improving at all and we keep losing her, it would be best if you save your baby otherwise you will lose both of them." The doctor informed with a sad expression.

And with that his entire world crumpled down in front of him. He couldn't lose her. The doctor had to be lying. She was lying.

"And also sir if the baby is out of her body we might be able to do something. She is getting weak because of the baby. So if you please sign these forms." 

Fawad stood their frozen. He couldn't move. What was she saying?

"Fawad, beta p-please save my daughter's child. She won't be able to survive when she wakes up and finds out that her son l-left her." Areesha's mother said to him as her shoulders shook with supressed sobs. Her bloodshot eyes and wet cheeks spoke volumes of her agony.

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