Chapter 17

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When Areesha reached home that day, she messaged Maya that she had had to leave because of a family emergency. Maya had understood that it was important and she didn't complain further. Maya had probably not noticed that Fawad had disappeared at the same time.

On Sunday Areesha wrote a resignation letter and headed to office the next day.

She was going to give in the letter tomorrow and collect her things that she just left in office. She had worked there for a few months only.

She told Zayan the night before that she was going to resign.

"He won't bring that up in office, so don't quit." he had said to her.

"I won't be as comfortable with working with his anymore. " she told her brother.

"Weren't you enjoying that job so much? When I told you to leave you refused outright."

"Times change." she shrugged.

"Exactly Areesha. Times change. Time makes you move on. But you are still stuck in one place. With Aamir."

"It is not about him anymore. I just don't want to get married to anyone."

"Areesha marriage is completing half of your deen. Its mustahab."

"I know that. You got married too didn't you? I dont want to be atached to anyone again and give them power over my emotions. And your wife died and now you miss her so much. Ammi went through the same. I trusted Aamir, but he broke my trust. I don't want to hurt myself when I know that this is such big risk."

"Allah took away Leya from me and baba to test us. We will reunite with them in jannah. You shouldn't have trusted Aamir in the first place because you two were not married in the first place. So he wasn't even committed to you. And you need to trust Allah. He knows everything. You are not the one to run away Areesha. You stay there and face whatever comes to you."

"I know but I am scared. What if it doesn't work out and we get divorced or something?"

"Trust Allah. How about you make istakhara and then tell me what you think. I won't talk to mama unless you are ready."

"Ok that's a good idea. I'll do that in a few days."

"Why don't you do it tonight?" Because I can't pray dear brother!

"I said I will in a few days, but you can't stop me from resigning. There's no way I can feel comfortable with working with him now." She said in a tone of finality.

"Fine whatever you say." he said in defeat knowing his sisters stubborn nature so well, he knew she was going to do whatever she wanted.


The next morning, Areesha drove to office and went straight to Fawad's office.

"You are late. Don't make me fire you." he said jokingly. 

Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and her purse was dangling on her side. Even without trying she looked breath taking to Fawad and his heart literally stopped beating at her sight.

"You won't need to fire me anymore."

"Why? Have you decided yo be on time from now on?" He was so happy to see her as he had thought that she might not come today.

"No because I am going to resign."

"Come again? I thought you said you were going to resign." Fawad said thinking her had heard her wrong.

"That's exactly what I said."

"What? I said I'm sorry Areesha. I didn't say that intentionally, it just slipped. I am very sorry for that. I won't happen again. I said I won't bring up that topic again."

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