Chapter 5

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"What the hell is going on here?" Aamir asked looking at their intertwined hands. Areesha tried to get her hand out of his grasp but Fawad tightened his grasp unknowingly.

"Hey Areesha! What's up baby? Looks like you're having a cozy time without me! " he said mockingly to her. The venom in his words cut Areesha's fragile heart more than anything. 

"Aamir its not what you think-" she started but he cut her off. Areesha pulled her hand out of Fawads iron grasp and stood up to calm down Aamir.

"Forget what you have to say. You were cheating on me. I wanted an excuse to get out of this engagement anyway. I don't love you anyway. I love Shazre and only her." He said taking of the ring of his finger and throwing put at the table in front of him.

"Good luck bro dealing with this depressed girl!" He said sarcastically to Fawad.

"Aamir! What's wrong with you? Are you out of your fucking mind?" She yelled at him not caring what the on lookers thought.

 Aamir made his way out of the restaurant not looking back even once. Aamir knew deep deep down that what he had just witnessed wasn't what it looked like and that Areesha loved him more than anything. He felt a pang in his heart, he couldn't understand what it meant. What was his heart trying to tell him? He should be happy, shouldn't he? He finally got rid of this excuse of a relationship. But he himself could not decipher his feelings. 

Back in the restaurant Areesha was trying to make out what had just happened. She felt betrayed. What was a relationship where they didn't trust each other.  He had said that he wanted to get rid of her for a very long time didn't he? That means he didn't love her. But come to think of it he had never told her that he loved her. Did he really not? Was that all a facade? 

She kept on repeating that she loved him and he couldn't do this to her as treacherous terse rolled down her cheeks.

Fawad's heart clenched seeing her like that. Every time she said that she loved him, his heart twisted. He felt jealous of that bastard. He didn't know what a precious girl he had rejected. She was one in a billion.

He took her to the car and started driving with her sitting on the front seat beside him. She was an emotional wreck trying to  suppress the sobs that threatened to overcome her.

He didn't know what to do within religious boundaries to comfort her. He let her get it all out of her system. Suppressing all these feelings would hurt her more. He felt so helpless. Yes the famous Fawad Ali was feeling helpless. To begin he didn't even know that she was engaged.

Parking his car at an ice cream parlor he went to get her some ice cream. His sister loved ice cream more than anything and it always calmed her down. He just hoped that it worked for Areesha too.

He went inside and bought two chocolate and vanilla cones. He came back and offered one to her. 

"I just had lunch. I am not hungry." She replied grimly, her sobs had somewhat subsided.

"You don't have ice cream when you are hungry. Come on take it please."

Looking at his sincere eyes she accepted the ice-cream. She felt so embarrassed that she had shown here weak side to her boss of all people.

"I want to go home." She said to him.

"Sure thing. I'll drop you. Here hold my ice-cream for me." He said handing her the cone as he started driving.

"But my car is at the office," she told him

"That's not a problem. I'll ask the driver to get it to your place. Address?"

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