Chapter 42

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Sometimes I feel so guilty for not updating for so long but then again I think that when lots of people read the book its not very hard to leave a vote for the writer as a little token of appreciation. We do all this for free after all and even if the book is not your favourite, you should know that we do work hard.

Even though the last chapter didn't reach 40 votes, I was feeling very kind hearted and I updated, even though might I add, I am very busy with my exams coming up and family commitments... 😉😉

Anyway welcome to last chapter of the book.... Surprised?


Fawad was lost in his thoughts when Maya came towards him and suddenly hugged him shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Bhai! Areesha..." She said with tears swimming in her eyes and he couldn't fathom what they meant.

Were they tears of happiness? They had to be. She had to be fine. His throat felt raw with emotions as he deeply swallowed. Why was she crying?

"W-what? What happened to her?" He asked weakly as his heart beat abnormally faster with dread. It felt as if his heart was coming to his throat s a shover ran down his spine anticipating her relply.

The seconds that elapsed between the time she replied felt like a millennia. It was like time had stopped as he waited for her to say something.

"She woke up bhai. She is fine." Maya repeated for him as she eyed her brother and her heart broke further. His eyes were brimming with red and his eyelashes were clumped together.

Maya stepped forward and wiped away the tears from her brother's eyes that he didn't now had fallen.

She was fine.

She was alright.

He quickly made his way towards the ward which she was supposed to be in. He didn't know anything else and it was like his feet carried him there automatically.

He took heavy steps towards the door. He slowly opened the door so as not to make any noise that might disturb her. When he entered he saw her lying on her side. Was she sleeping? Maya had said that she was fine.

"Areesha?" He called cautiously to check if she was awake.

He felt some movement and realized she was awake.

"You're awake." Was all he said when he saw her open eyes. His eyes swam with tears as he stared at her as if he couldn't believe that Allah had given him another chance.

All that guilt came crashing back when he realized that it had been his fault. He was the one who had made her upset in the first place. It had all started because of him.

"I-I'm sorry Areesha." He said taking her hand between his, as guilt overcame him.

He had missed her touch. He put his head on their entwined hands as a tear escaped his eye.

What if she hadn't woken up? Every fiber of his being was thanking Allah for saving her. His emotions felt haywire as his heart dreaded the other possiblities and for the hundredth time that day it came crashing to him how this woman was his life. He loved her with all his being and he would bever be able to be the same if he lost her.

"I'm sorry too. I can't live without him Fawad." She said quietly, without looking at him.

"Huh? What are you saying?" Fawad asked her torn between calling the doctor or consoling her that nothing was wrong.

"Our baby, Fawad. I k-killed our son." She said crying. The first thing she had felt when she woke up was the absence of her son and it hit her like a volcano that she had lost him.

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