Chapter 7

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I have been in the club for almost 3 hours, I have been dancing with random guys because they speak Spanish I don't understand what they are saying so I move away from them, anyway I'm currently at the bar also the bartender speaks English so he understands what I am saying, and I am on my 8th drink when a group of people walk in. They are all wearing leather jacket with patches they look similar to the ones that Darren along with the guys wear, the bartender gave me my drink before the guys that have just came in come over to the bar, and order their drinks. 

I was getting up to dance when a voice spoke, a hand reached out to stop me from getting up which made me looked to see a guy that was wearing a patch standing in front of me, when did he get in front of me also he was at the other end of the bar I thought to myself as I looked at the guy confused.

"Quedarse tomar una copa con nosotros" the guy says to me which made me I give him a confused look because I have no idea what he said to me.

"He said stay, have a drink with us" the bartender tells me once he sees that I am confused.

"Okay, Does he speak English?" I ask the bartender which makes him nod at me.

"Why did you come here if you can't speak Spanish?" the guy who is standing next to me asked with a confused look.

"I don't think that's any of your business" I say while looking at the guy.

The guy smiled before he sat next to me while ordering everyone a drink, once we had a couple of drinks we started dancing, and the guy that asked me to have drinks with them is called Carlos. Carlos is a nice guy we have been talking then drinking, and dancing I looked at the time on my phone too see it's going on 11 at night, I decided to call it a night so I looked at Carlos, and gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to go home" I tell him which made Carlos gave me a confused look.

"Why? Aren't you having fun?" Carlos asked me.

"Yeah I am having fun. I'm getting tired also I  want to go home" I tell him while tilting my head to the side.

"Have a couple more drinks, then the real fun will begin" Carlos states while giving me a smug look.

"No you're okay. I will see you around alright" I tell him before I walk out of the club.

I am waiting outside for my taxi when someone comes outside, then lights a cigarette which makes me turn around where I see Carlos.

"I thought you were going home princess. I hope for your sake you weren't lying to me because that will just piss me off" Carlos speaks with his Spanish accent.

"No I am not lying. I am waiting for my taxi, were you threatening me?" I say before question him.

"I don't know princess did it sound like a threat to you?" Carlos asked me while smirking at me.

I was about reply to his question when my taxi pulls up, I walk over to the taxi before getting into it, then I tell the taxi driver my address before the taxi drove off Carlos gave me a smirk, and I'm starting to get a wary vibe from Carlos or maybe it's just in my head I thought to myself as the taxi pulled up to my house. I paid the driver before getting out of the taxi, I got in the house then locked my front door before going upstairs to my room where I took off my make-up then my dress, and I put my phone on charge then got into bed before I fell straight asleep.

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