Chapter 17

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I finally finished work, I'm currently walking home then finally I got in the house before going upstairs to my room where I get changed into a pair of sweats along with a top, and I connected my phone to my speaker then I laid on my bed listening to music for a while I'm currently listening to 'Marilyn Manson- Coma White'.  I woke up with people shouting downstairs, I know it's the guys since I can recognize their voices, anyway I go downstairs to see Harry sitting on the couch with a bloody nose while the guys are all shouting at each other, and I walk into the living room then coco notices me before he gives me a small smile. 

"Hey Amy, how are you?" coco asks me which makes all the guys look at me. 

"I was enjoying my nap until I heard you'll shouting, why has Harry got a bloody nose?" I say then ask no one in particular.

"We kind of had an argument with Carlos, and his guys. Things got out of hand" Darren tells me while looking at the guys with a weird look. 

I walk into the kitchen where I got a wet cloth for Harry's nose, I walk back into the living room to see  it was only Harry in, and I gave Harry the cloth for his nose.

"Thanks" Harry says to me, I just nod at him slightly.

"I'm going to take a nap again, do whatever you want" I say to him while walking out of the living room. 

I go into my room then lay on my bed before putting my music on, I'm listen to 'Scarlxrd - BXY RICH' along with a few other of 'Scarlxrd' songs before going to sleep, and I was woken up with my phone ringing which makes me looked at the caller ID. I see that it is  Carlos,  I was debating to answer it or not. 

*Phone Call*

Me: "Hey."

Carlos: "Amy you answered. I was kind of hoping we can me up?"

Me: "I don't know if I can meet up with you."

Carlos: "Amy it's kind of important."

Me: "Fine...Where, and when?"

Carlos: "At the club we met, 10 minutes don't keep me waiting princess."

Carlos ended the call, I got out of my bed then went for a quick shower before I got dressed into a black dress with black heels, I grabbed my phone before taken my purse then I got to the front door when a voice asked me where I am going, and I turned around to see Lazer which makes me  mentally sighed but smiled at him. 

"I'm going to the shop to get somethings" I say to Lazer while walking out of the front door. 

I made my way to the club that Carlos that I met in, I walked in to see that the place is empty which made slightly confused but then I see Carlos along with his guys since they are the only people that's in the place, and Carlos waves me over to the table that he's at. I walk over to the table before sitting down across from him, Carlos smirks at me before he whispers something to guy the guy next to him, the guy gets up before he walks out after he walks out the rest of the guys follow him now it's just Carlos, and I in the club. I look at Carlos before letting out a small sigh, which makes  Carlos looks at me with an unsure look.

"What's wrong princess?" Carlos asks me looking concerned. 

"Nothing, what's so important that we had to meet up?" I say then ask Carlos getting straight to the point. 

"You see my guys did a background search on you. You know what you came up as missing" Carlos says while chuckling at me sightly while watching me. 

"Car...." I was about to talk but Carlos interrupted me.

"Amy how could you possibly be missing if you are here?" Carlos questions me again.

"I was kidnapped...I got away the same day that I came here so therefor I was missing,  now I am not" I say trying to make sense but I am pretty sure I wasn't.

"Oh didn't your parents try and find you?" Carlos questioned me.

"The people who kidnapped me killed my parents in front of me" I tell him while looking at my hands that are on my lap.

"How did you manage to get away from your kidnappers?" He asked in a curious tone.

"I stabbed one of them in the throat, the other two weren't about so I got out pretty easy" I say trying to figure out where he is going with this.

"You also manage to get on the plane without anything coming up with missing person on you,  how can you explain that princess?" Carlos states then asked.

"I don't know" I tell him truthfully.

"Do you want me to tell you how?" Carlos asked me with a smug look.

"Sure" I said.

"It's because someone from a certain MC knew you were still alive, knew that you were going to escape that's why it was so easy for you to get away from your kidnappers as well as getting on the plane" Carlos explains.

"How did an MC know about me? I didn't know about MC's until I came here" I question then tell Carlos confused. 

"You don't know do you?" Carlos asks with a shocked look on his face.

"I don't know what?" I ask him

"That you have a big brother, he's part of the Dark Soul's MC" Carlos says which makes me look at him like he's insane. 

"What? No you're wrong, I don't have a big brother" I tell Carlos.

"Yes you do, he's actually living with you" Carlos tells me. 

"Are you trying to tell me Harry is my big brother that I didn't know he even existed?" I ask him trying to figure everything out.  

"Yes I am. If you don't believe me go and ask him" Carlos said which makes me nod. 

I get up from the table then walk towards the exit when Carlos shouted me, I turned around to face him with a confused look.

"Yes?" I ask him.  

"Darren knew about you too, well all the club did" Carlos says with a sad look, why is he sad I thought to myself. 

I walk out of the club before I walk home, I was half way home when it starts to rain well this is just great I thought to myself,  then before I know it I get into my front garden where  I can hear music along with people laughing, and I walk in my house to see the guys all drinking also the club sluts with some of the guys practically having sex on my sofa then I notice that my house is a mess. I walk over to the Bluetooth speaker before I turn it off, the guys give me a weird look. 

"Why did you turn it off?" Darren asks me confused look. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Harry being my brother or about you knowing about me being kidnapped?" I answer his question with a question.

"Who told you we knew about that?" Lazer asked me. 

"It doesn't matter, now get out of my house" I tell them. 

They all looked at me if I was insane, but they all left including Harry before I then went up to my room where I started crying because I just have all of this anger along with sadness built up inside of me, and never got to cry when my parents died because if I did my kidnappers would beat me for it. I stopped crying as I picked up my phone then I scrolled through my contacts until I found the number, and then pressed call.

*Phone Call*

Me: "Can you come over please?"

Person: "Of course....I'm on my way princess."

Then we hung up.

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