Chapter 65

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The front door opened then closed again, I was still laying on the couch with Scarlet while Lucky is now on the floor playing with one of his chew toys, and I looked to the living room door to see Winter. I smiled at her before carefully moving with Scarlet in my arms then I stand up before walking towards Winter, she smiled at me when she noticed I was carrying Scarlet her face lit up, and I smiled as I held my arms out for Winter to take Scarlet when Winter took Scarlet off of me she started crying. 

"How did you get her?" Winter asks me while staring at Scarlet in her arms. 

"Carlos wanted her to be with you" I tell Winter while we walk over to the couch. 

"Carlos he is give me my baby back" Winter says, and I nod at her. 

We are sitting in silence mostly because Winter is focusing all of her attention on Scarlet who is now wide awake looking at Winter, Carlos walks into the living room he looks stressed which I'm worried about since he was fine before I left him at the clubhouse, and Winter notices Carlos she gives him a small smile which returns. 

"Thank you" Winter tells him as she gets up to leave. 

"Don't make me regret letting you have her" Carlos says to Winter in a threatening tone. 

"I won't "Winter said as she walks out of the house with Scarlet.

Carlos sighs as he sits on the couch which makes me look at him, he has his eyes shut so I think he might want to be left alone, and I get off the couch to go into the kitchen to make pizza since I'm hungry. I put the pizza in the oven before walking out of the kitchen to see Carlos sitting on the floor while petting Lucky, I sit on the couch while going through my phone until Carlos decides to take my phone off me, and I give him a shocked look why did he just take my phone I thought to myself as Carlos just smirks at me. 

"Give me my phone back" I say to Carlos with a serious look. 

"Why?" He asks me with a stupid grin on his face. 

"It's mine that's why" I tell him while rolling my eyes. 

"I'm pissing you off aren't I?" Carlos questions me with a worried look. 

"What? No why would you think that?" I ask Carlos with a confused look. 

"Amy see if I ask you a question will you tell me the truth?" Carlos asks me. 

"Yeah. I always do tell you the truth when you ask me questions" I say to him with a concerned look. 

"What would you do if I told you that I did something stupid ?" Carlos questions me with a serious look, and I'm starting to get a bad feeling. 

"It depends on what the something stupid is" I say to him in a low voice. 

"Let's say the something stupid was me getting head off a club whore" Carlos says. 

"This is hypothetically right?" I ask Carlos with a hurt look, and he sighs. 

"Princess I wish it was" Carlos whispers, and I felt like crying. 

"Why?" I question confused, and hurt. 

"She was just there. I was so stressed" Carlos explains to me. 

"You cheated on me" I say with tears in my eyes. 

"Yes I did but I swear I love you" Carlos tells me while looking at the tears falling down my face.  

"YOU STILL CHEATED. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU GOTTEN HEAD OF A CLUB SLUT WHILE WE WERE DATING?I ask Carlos while shouting at him, and he looks at me with a angry look. 

"It was only once I swear princess" Carlos says while trying to touch me. 

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I yell at him while getting off the couch then take my phone, and walking out of the house.

I walk to the cafe that I used to work in, I sat down while looking at the menu before just ordering a black coffee, I just sat staring into space thinking about how Carlos accused me on cheating on him but he cheats on me instead, and the worst part is I think I'm over reacting since it wasn't if he actually slept with her. I'm really confused since I really want to be pissed off at him but the other part of me wants to forgive him, I started to drink my coffee while trying to figure out what I should do my thoughts where interrupted with my phone ringing, and I looked at the caller ID it read Carlos so I'm currently deciding if I want to answer the call or not.  

I decided not too so I just put my phone on silent as I drank my coffee while looking around the cafe, when I finished my coffee I paid before walking out then made my way back to the house, and when I walked in the house Carlos was sitting on the couch with a bottle of whisky seriously he's always drinking I thought to myself.  Carlos looks at me with a guilty look which I hate because I just want tell him that it's fine but I don't want because what if I forgive him then he goes and fucks a club slut next time, I sat down on the chair while scrolling through my Facebook, and Carlos lets out a loud sigh which makes me look at him. 

"Princess I know i've hurt you but you need to know..."  Carlos was saying until I interrupted him. 

"That it wasn't supposed to happen but it did, and that your sorry?" I question him with a laugh. 

"Princess I don't like being interrupted, your so..." Carlos says again but I spoke again. 

"I'm so lucky that I'm pretty or that you love me because I would have a bullet in my head by now" I say knowing exactly that's what he's going to say. 

"Amy I not fucking joking around stop interrupting me!" Carlos yells at me which makes me roll my eyes.

"Carlos I don't know what you want me to say because honestly your just going to make excuses, and I don't want to hear them" I say to him with a tired look. 

"Amy I do love you. I was stressed out because I have been stressed out all week instead of talking to you about it I kept it to myself so if some club whore wanted to give me head who was I to refuse?" Carlos says, and questions me. 

"Carlos we are in a relationship so you should be able to tell me stuff, you could have refused since you had me but you didn't care if you hurt me because you were only thinking about yourself, and how you feel if I came in and told you that I fucked a guy or gave him head?" I tell him, and question him. 

"I know that Amy but I can't change what happened I just want to tell you so we can get this out of the way, and move on with our relationship. If you even think about fucking a guy or even give a guy head I swear I will kill the guy, and then kill you" Carlos tells me with a threatening tone. 

"I wouldn't do it. I was just trying to make a point"  I say while sighing. 

"Amy you still love me right?" Carlos asks while looking at me. 

"Yeah I still love you, I can't just turn my feelings off"  I tell him, and he smiles. 

"I love you too" Carlos says to me, and I just nod at him. 

"I just wish you were thinking about me before letting some slut give you head" I tell him before going upstairs to get away from him for a bit. 

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