Chapter 15

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I woke up with a sore head, I got out of my bed before going downstairs to make myself a coffee, and I sat on the couch going through my phone since I have work in a few hours which means that I can chill before working. I finished drinking my coffee, started doing housework while listening to music when I had finished doing my housework it was time to get ready for work, I decided to go for a shower, and after my shower I got dried before starting to get dressed.

 I'm wearing a black dress that goes mid-thigh with black heels then I dry my hair before leaving it down, I put on some make-up before grabbing  my phone then went downstairs where I walked out of my front door before locking it, and then started walking to work. I got to work then started taking orders from customers, it was really quiet at work since there is hardly any staff in also hardly any customers as well, and I was wiping some tables then went to take an order for a customer that just walk in.  I walked over to the table to see a guy that was wearing the same patches as Darren.

"What can I get you?" I asked the guy with a small smile.

"Coffee please" the guy said then went on his phone. 

"Okay, is that everything?" I ask the guy, and the guy nods his head.

I walk over to the counter where the the person made his coffee, I was still looking at the guy's patches because I have never seen him before, and I gave the guy his coffee before telling him the price then he gave me the money. I went back to cleaning tables, it's nearly closing time when the guy left, and I finished cleaning tables before starting to walk home. When I got in the house I went into the kitchen, started looking at what I can make myself to eat, and decided to make fajitas. I finished cooking then went into the living room, I was starting to eat when my doorbell rang so I went to the front door, and opened it to see Carlos.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Carlos confused also kind of mad.

"Well princess I just wanted to make sure that you are okay" Carlos tells me with a smile. 

"Yeah I am fine, if you don't mind will you leave?" I say then question Carlos.

"Why would I want to leave? You're not doing anything right now are you?" Carlos asks me. 

"I'm just about eat dinner because I have been at work all day" I tell Carlos while mentally sighing since I just want to be alone.

"Yeah I know you were, I will see you around princess I have to go somewhere right now" Carlos says while looking at his phone. 

"Okay. I will see you around" I say back while shutting the door.

I went upstairs to run myself a bath, I put bubbles in the bath to help me relax then got un-dressed before getting in the bath, and I have been in the bath for over an hour something so I decided to get out. I went into my room where I put pjs on, before I went downstairs to make myself something to eat, I was going upstairs to my room so that I can go to sleep, I was halfway upstairs when my  doorbell rang which made me sigh but went to the front door, and answered it anyway then I see Darren, and that guy from the cafe. I gave Darren a confused look but opened the front door wider so they can come in, we went into the living room before sitting down. 

"Amy I need you to do me a favor" Darren tells me while looking at me with a serious look.

"What's this favor you need me to do?" I ask Darren with a confused look.

"Well Harry here needs a place to crash. I would let him stay at mine but there isn't enough room" he says while looking at the guy next to him.

"You want me to let a stranger stay in my house?" I question Darren.

"Amy it's only for a few nights, he's one of us but just a different charter" Darren explains to me.

"Charter? Sure he can stay but no longer than a few nights okay" I question/say giving him a serious look.

"I will explain the charter thing later. I am going home so I can get some sleep" he tells me, and walks out.

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