Chapter 31

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Carlos's POV

I have been dealing with the Black Hearts MC, they want my MC to help them take down the Smiles MC which I think is a bad idea, and I don't  mean it's a bad idea because they are scary I just mean that the Smiles are just a brotherhood of hippies so why would we help take them down it just doesn't make sense in my mind anyway. I'm in a hotel room with Lucifer along with  the guys but they want to go to a bar I can't be bothered so they just go without me, I decided to Face-time Amy, we were having a good conversation until she brings up some guy called Lazer you know the one that is trying to become part of my MC, and then she brings up cheating like why is she curious about what happens to someone who cheats on a MC member. I question Amy why she's curious, then she told me because she is which resulted me calling her a lair because she is laying to me then she ends the call, and I'm very pissed off now so I go to the bar where the guys are at when I walk in which makes the guys cheer.

"Bro for a minute there we all thought you were going soft" Lazer tells me while laughing.

 I shake my head at him before walking behind the bar to pour myself a drink since the bar tender isn't there, I sit down with the guys then start drinking along with talking about random things, Lucifer got up because he's taking a phone call, and by the smile on his face it's Winter. The guys, and I still drink while Lucifer talks on the phone to his Old lady then after 20 minutes Lucifer walks back in, he gives me a sad look which made me give him a confused look. 

"Guys fuck off" Lucifer tells the guys but the guys don't move.

"FUCK OFF!"  Lucifer shouts then the guys walk out of the bar.

"What's up?" I asked him while Lucifer sat down.

"Winter she is worrying about Amy" Lucifer tells me.

"Why is she worried about Amy?" I asked him worrying.

"Amy wanted to go this club so they went, Winter went to get drinks while she was walking back towards Amy she was making out with an other guy, and Winter asked her what the fuck she's doing then Amy walked out the club with the guy" Lucifer tells me while watching how I react to what he's telling me.

It all makes sense now why she was curious about what would happen to someone who cheats on a MC member, I know we weren't dating but we on one date also she knew that she was mine I told her she was, I looked at Lucifer before walking out of the bar, and I got to the hotel where I started breaking shit in my room then the guys walked into my room which made me burst out laughing. The guys didn't know what to do since I have never acted this way over some girl before, they just watched me while I punched the T.V which made my hand start to bleed. I walked out of the room, I was getting on my motorbike when Lucifer walked up to me.

"You can't go on that thing you've have been drinking" Lucifer tells me while I mock him.

"Carlos fuck up. Where are you going anyway?" He tells me then questions me.

"I'm going to make Amy tell me why she thinks it's okay to cheat on me when she fucking knows that she's mine" I tell him while Lucifer shakes his head.

"That's not a good idea. You know it's not so  you should sleep on it since we are leaving in the morning anyway" Lucifer says trying to get me off the bike.

"Fine....Only since we are leaving tomorrow anyway" I say getting off the bike then walking back into the hotel. 

I sleep in the same room as Lucifer since I trashed my room, I can't believe Amy would sleep with an other guy you know since I was always there for her with the shit from the Dark Souls, her brother, and this is how she repays me. I never slept at all last night all I could only think about is why Amy would do this to me, she knows that I really like her, I'm currently getting on my bike while the guys are getting on theirs, and after a few hours we finally reach our clubhouse. We have been riding for 5 maybe 6 hours, we all go in the clubhouse when Winter sees Lucifer she screams his name while running into his arms then kissing him,  I'm slightly jealous wanting that to be Amy, and I but instead I walk over to the bar where I take 3 shots of tequila.  Lucifer came over to me which already pissed me off because he's gonna say something stupid or something that I already know. 

"You need sleep not shots" Lucifer tells me which made me scoff since I know that.

"Don't tell me what I need" I tell him in a warning tone.

"What are you going to do since your stuff is at Amy's?" Lucifer asked me which made me smirk at him.

"I'm going to get my stuff" I tell him as I walk out of the clubhouse. 

I walk to Amy's house which makes me feel sick already just thinking about going to I mean her room where she was fucking someone else, I walk into the room then start grabbing my clothes out of my closet just as Amy walks out of the bathroom, and I automatically look at her then think that she looks like an angel...Wait what no brain shut the fuck up, she smiles at me then she goes to hug me but I move out the way then I notice she looks hurt, fuck I want to cuddle her seriously my emotions are over the fucking place why am I like this around her because if this was someone else I wouldn't give a shit,  Amy smiles at me which makes me shake my head at her.

"Carlos what's wrong?" she asked me with worry in her voice.

"Don't act like you care about me you slut" I spit at her I noticed that she jumps slightly at my words fuck I didn't mean it but she is since she did fuck someone else.

"Carlos. I do care about you also I'm not a slut" she tells me with tears nearly falling, why the fuck do I just want to grab her and give her cuddles while telling her that I didn't mean it I think to myself.

"That's a good one. You don't give a fuck about me because if you did you wouldn't have brought a guy back here, and fucked him in our...Wait no your bed" I raise my voice at her since I'm angry at myself for letting myself care about her so much, Amy is just standing there looking confused. 

"I do care about you, I never brought a guy back here...I haven't fucked anyone" she says with tears running down her face.

"Yeah sure, it makes sense since you were asking about what would happen to someone if they cheated on a MC member, and now you know that we are done" I tell her while walking out of the bedroom.

"Carlos please don't do this. I promise I haven't slept with anyone" she tells her voice is breaking, and her tears won't stop falling.    

I walked out of the front door but I turn around to look at her, I just want to go run back upstairs to hug her while telling her I am sorry, that I didn't mean to sound like a dick but I can't do that because she slept with someone else, I was closing the front door when I heard her say "I love you" that made my heartbreak because I love her but she's just saying that to make me stay, and with that thought I shut the door. I walked to the clubhouse where I sat at the bar while taking shot after shot, I thought about Amy saying she loves me, honestly I love her too but she cheated so I can't love her, and that hurts me so much.

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