Chapter 68

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I woke up in the bed by myself which made my frown since I'm used to waking up next to Carlos, anyway I get out of bed, I was walking towards the bathroom I heard a bang come from downstairs so I go downstairs to see what Carlos has broken, and when I walk into the kitchen Carlos isn't there instead it's Harry. I give Harry a small smile which makes him looked at me with a shocked look then I look down to see that I'm wearing my pjs so I don't understand why he's shocked, and Harry puts the kettle on while I get my coffee cup.

"Why aren't you dressed already?" Harry questions me while looking at his phone.

"I have just woken up. I need coffee before I start doing anything in the morning" I tell him.

"You need to hurry up then" Harry says while looking at me now.

"Why do I need to hurry up?" I ask him with a confused look.

"It's going on 1 pm, we need to leave in 20 minutes" Harry tells me while looking at me like I'm stupid.

"Why are we leaving in 20 minutes?" I question Harry still unsure what he's talking about.

"Carlos has his court hearing in an hour" Harry states.

"Wait...What? Since when has Carlos had a court hearing?" I ask him with a worried look.

"Carlos told you the other day, that's why you've being arguing right?" Harry says, and questions me.

"Carlos told me the other day he cheated on me with a club slut not about the court thing" I tell him like he's stupid.

"Carlos never cheated on you with anyone" Harry says with confusion in his voice.

"Carlos told me he did, Lazer came over last night to see how I'm since Carlos told me, and he also said that everyone knows that Carlos cheated" I tell Harry while getting confused how he doesn't know this.

"You get ready while I call Lazer to actually find out what's going on" Harry tells me, and I nod at him.

I go upstairs to my room while thinking about why Carlos told me he cheated but never told me has court today, I get changed into a pair of black high waisted jeans, white top with black lace at the top of it, and I put a pair of black heels on before doing my make-up. I left my hair down since I couldn't be bothered putting it up, I grabbed my phone before walking downstairs to see Lazer along with a couple of guys from the club sitting in the living room, and I walk into the living room then sat on the chair when Lazer noticed me he smiled at me.

"I got you a Starbucks. Carlos told me that you like caramel Lattes" Lazer says while handing me the Starbucks.

"Thank you" I tell Lazer while taking my Latte off him.

"We should get in the car" Harry says while looking at the time.

We nod at him while walking out of the house then I lock my front door before getting in the car as I was putting my seat belt on I thought about why am I going with the guys to go to Carlos's hearing after he admitted to cheating on me, and I then thought will he even want me there because he never told me about the hearing which makes me mentally sigh. The car started moving Lazer is driving as Harry sits in the passengers seat, they are talking about some big deal that's coming up, and I look at my phone as I get a text from Winter.

*Text Message*

From Winter

"I hope everything works out good today."

To Winter

"You know about the hearing as well?"

From Winter

"Yeah one of my friends from the club told me."

To Winter

"Okay, yeah everything will be fine."

I text back to her since I don't even know why Carlos is at court for in the first place, I was thinking about random stuff when Lazer said my name which made me snap out of my random thoughts, and I give Lazer a nod for him continue.

"I was talking to Carlos last night when he stayed at the club house, Carlos told me that he only told you that he cheated on you because he doesn't want you waiting for him for 5 years while he's in prison, and he thought if he told you that he cheated that you would hate him then move on with your life with someone else" Lazer tells me.

"Why did he tell you that but not the rest of the guys?" I question Lazer.

"Carlos only told me because I told him that I went to visit you last night, and Carlos told me what he said to you instead of telling you that he was going to prison" Lazer explains to me which makes me nod.

"I love him so I can't just hate him, even though he told me that he cheated on me which now I know a lie I still love him, and I don't want someone I just want Carlos" I say not caring if I sounded pathetic.

"Carlos loves you too, he hates lying to you but he thought he was doing what was best for you" Lazer says to me while concentrating on the road.

"Will I get to speak to Carlos before he goes to prison?" I question no one in particular.

"I think you can maybe get a couple of minutes to speak to him before he goes away, and also you get to visit him once a week while he's inside prison" Harry says, and I nod at him.

"We are here" Lazer says as he gets out of the car.

I can't believe that I won't be able to see Carlos for 5 years that scares the hell out of me, I'm happy that he never cheated on me at least that's a good thing, and I start to walk inside the court building with Lazer along with the rest of the guys that where in my house. We make our way to the room that Carlos is in, I follow Lazer into the court room where the judge is, and Carlos is standing next to his lawyer. Carlos looks behind him he smiles at Lazer along with the rest of the guys, and when he sees me Carlos looks shocked that I'm here but he smiles at me which makes me smile back at him.

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