Chapter 46

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Carlos POV

I had more than enough to drink so I decide to go to my room leaving the guys to do whatever they want, I went into my room then got stripped down to my boxers before getting into bed, and I was laying in bed going through my phone when I decided to call Amy. 

*Phone Call*

Me- "Hello princess." 

Amy- "Hey Carlos. How has your day been?" 

Me- "My day has been boring princess, and how was your day?" 

Amy- "It was boring too but I had Lucifer to talk to which was okay I suppose." 

Me- "Yeah, that's good that you have someone to talk to while I'm gone, and how is Lucifer?" 

Amy- "He's okay I think he just went home, he was drinking but then one of the guys called saying that Winter was trying to stab herself  in the stomach, and she told Lucifer that he will be a bad dad so since she doesn't want it the baby is better off dead."

Me- "Did Lucifer get to the clubhouse okay?"

Amy- "Yeah I called him a Taxi since he had been drinking, and I didn't want him riding his bike."

Me- "I guess I don't need to worry about you since it seems like you're handling everything perfectly." 

Amy- "You don't need to worry about me ever." 

Me- "No puedo evitar preocuparme por ti princesa."

Amy- "Carlos I'm not good at Spanish yet."

Me- "Sorry princess it means I can't help but worry about you princess."

Amy- "It's fine I just need to get better at Spanish, and I know because I can't help but worry about you when you're away."

Me- "Would you like to go somewhere when I get back? It will be just the two of us no club members."

Amy- "Yeah that would be good."

Me- "Okay princess we will decide where when I get back. I'm going to go to sleep since I am tired, I just wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep, and Amy I love you."

Amy- "Okay, I'm going to sleep as well also I wanted to hear your voice too since we haven't really spoken much today, and I love you too Carlos."

Me- "I know you do, and goodnight princess."

Amy- "That's good, and goodnight Carlos."

We ended the call, I have had a smile on my face since she started talking, and I'm still smiling like an idiot. I put my phone on the bedside table then roll over on the bed, I really want to be cuddling into Amy right now it feels weird not cuddling into her at night, and I sigh slightly as I close my eyes letting sleep take over my body. 

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