Chapter 32

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Amy's POV

I can't believe he thinks I would cheat on him, I do love him I wasn't planning on telling him until tonight but instead I told him while crying but he still left so I guess he doesn't feel the same, and I decided to text Winter.

To Winter

"Why does Carlos think I fucked someone last night?"

From Winter

"I told Lucifer you did so that way you can't tell Carlos that I was fucking Frank duh"

To Winter


From Winter

"I know I am"

I can't believe she lied to protect herself, I guess Carlos is right the world he lives in isn't nice which means I was kidding myself when I thought I could fit in, I got a text from my work telling me I need to cover a shift in 15 minutes so I went for a shower then got dressed into jeans along with a top, I was looking through my wardrobe for 5 minutes trying to find something that isn't to reveling I guess Carlos is right I am a slut because all of my clothes are slutty, and I walked to work when I seen Lazer he gave me a smile. I couldn't return it which made him give me a confused look. 

"I seen Carlos leaving your house did you have an argument?" Lazer asked me.

"No we are fine. Carlos said your not joining his MC but I wouldn't advice you to give up on joining it that's only if you really want to join his MC" I tell Lazer. 

"Thanks, yeah I don't think I will give up on trying to join his MC" Lazer tells me then walks away. 

I get into work where I start cleaning tables as well as serving customers, while doing it all over again, and I was serving a table when a customer walks in.  I see some guy that I have never seen before but I know he is one of Carlos guys since he's wearing the same patches, the guy takes a seat before he shouts me over, I take the customers order then walk over to the guy, and gave him a fake smile.

"Sit" He tells me but I shook my head at him. 

"Amy take a seat" He says which made me sigh while sitting across from him.

"Carlos, and I are over so you don't need to talk to me" I tell the guy.

"Yeah, I know you guys are over because you were being a slut" the guy tells me while I shook  my head.

"I haven't slept with anyone. I love Carlos, and would never do that to him" I say to the guy quietly. 

"Someone told me you did. I think I have more reason to believe her over some slut" the guy says harshly. 

"You're Lucifer?" I asked the guy which makes the guy smirks while nodding.

"Yeah, Winter told me that you went to a club then brought a guy back to your house" Lucifer tells me.

"I don't blame you for not believing me over your wife but I thought Carlos would have" I tell him.

"Amy I shouldn't be interfering but Carlos loves you, I know this might sound odd but do you have any proof that you never cheated?" Lucifer asked me.

"I have text messages from Winter proving that I never cheated, also don't nightclubs have camera's that will also prove that I never left with anyone" I tell Lucifer while he nods. 

It's nearly closing time Lucifer is waiting for me to get my stuff so we can meet Carlos along with Winter at the nightclub I went to last night, I got my stuff before Lucifer helped me on his bike, and we rode to the nightclub. I walked in behind Lucifer since I don't really want to see Carlos, Lucifer gave Carlos my phone so he can read the text messages between Winter, and I. Carlos looked angry at who me wait why would he angry at me for, Lucifer played the video footage from last night, you can see me leaving myself then Winter walking out with the guy from last night. I was watching Carlos's face he looks guilty, I had to look away from him while Lucifer, and Winter are arguing over it. Lucifer walks out hurt while Winter is smiling about it, Carlos looks at me, I want to smile at him but I can't then Carlos walks towards me, and put is hands on my hips. 

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