Chapter 40

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It was a little awkward in the bath since I have never shared a bath with anyone before, Carlos is just sitting watching me which is kind of making me uncomfortable, and then he smiled at me sightly. 

"Amy...I am sorry that I said you were fucking him when I know it's not true" Carlos tells me.

"It's not the first time you have thought I have cheated on you, what's the point of us being in a relationship if you don't trust me?" I say then question Carlos while looking at my legs in the bath. 

"I do trust you honestly it was the drink talking when I said you were fucking him, I just don't like the idea of you working for him, and what did you mean when you said he slapped you?" Carlos says then asked me. 

"Okay. I was serving coffee to Darren along with a couple of people he was doing business with but I walked in without knocking then after the meeting he had he said I think I can do what I want because I am your whore, I told him I wasn't your whore then walked away from him but he pulled me back then slapped me" I tell Carlos with a sigh.

Carlos was just staring at me which was freaking me out slightly, he smirked at me before laughing like something I said was funny, and I gave him a confused look. Carlos looked at me then got out of the bath, and walked out of the bathroom. I sat in the bath confused for a couple of minutes then I started to get washed, I got out of the bath then got dried before putting pjs on, and then went into the bedroom so I can dry my hair. My phone was sitting on my dressing table I guess Carlos put it there, I put on my music I decided to put In This Moment playlist on while drying my hair. I went into the kitchen after I dried my hair, to make myself a hot chocolate but Carlos was walking out of the kitchen with two glasses of hot chocolate as I was walking in, I tilted my head to the side when Carlos stopped, and stared at me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing is wrong. You just looking amazing princess" Carlos tells me, and I gave him a questioning look.

"I'm just out of a bath, wearing pjs I hardly look amazing" I tell Carlos with a small smile.

"You look amazing to me,any way here you go" Carlos tells me while handing me a glass of hot chocolate. 

"Thank you" I say to him while taking the hot chocolate off of him.

"I have step brothers on the laptop so we can watch it if you want" Carlos says to me, and I nod at him. 

We walk into the living room where I noticed that Carlos has sweets, soda along with other stuff sitting on the table next to the laptop,and I turn to face Carlos then smile at him.

"What's this for?" I ask him slightly confused.

"I'm trying to make it up to you princess with a movie night" Carlos tells me with a nervous look. 

"Okay that makes sense" I say to him.

I sat on the couch next to Carlos while drinking my hot chocolate, he plays the movie then wraps his arm around me, and I lay my head on his chest which makes Carlos look at me. 

"Are you comfy princess?" Carlos asked me, and I nod at him.

"Yeah I am. Are you comfy?" I say then question him.

Carlos nods at me then pulls me closer to him, I smile before turning my attention back to the movie we are watching, and half way through the movie I fall asleep. 

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