Chapter 53

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Carlos's POV

I never paid any attention to Lazer as he took Amy away from the house because I'm too busy trying to figure out how I'm going to make an example of him so none of the other guys think about trying to take Amy away from me, and honestly I don't want to hurt Lucifer since he's been one of the guys that I would trust with my life. It turns out that I can't trust him at all which is pretty fucked up, Lucifer is looking up at me since he's still lying on the floor, and I nod at Harry along with one of the guys from my club. They walked over to Lucifer pulling him up ton his feet before taking him to the basement for me, and then tied him to a chair. 

"What are you going to do to me Carlos?" Lucifer questioned me with a smirk on his face.

"It wouldn't be fun if I told you" I reply to his question with a little grin on my face, and Lucifer looked terrified. 

"You don't really want to kill me" Lucifer says trying to make me change my mind.

"That could possibly be true but you did try to steal my girl" I tell him while getting frustrated.

I walked over to Harry who has a tool kit in his hand because he went to the van that's parked outside of the house to get the tool kit, and I opened it up then found a pair of pliers then walked towards Lucifer with a grin on my face while holding up the pliers. Lucifer looked like he seen a ghost when he seen the pliers, he started shaking his head at me then started looking around the room to get one of the guys to help him, and they just looked at Lucifer with a blank look. 

"Carlos don't do this, I can leave the club, and leave Mexico so you won't have to see me ever again" Lucifer says trying to get me to change my mind. 

"Your dead to me" I tell him then start to pull his finger nails off using the pliers which makes Lucifer start screaming. 

I just laugh as I hear him scream while finishing off pulling his nails off, I get Harry to bring me the tool kit over before putting the pliers back in the kit before taking out my black knuckle dusters, and put them on my right knuckles then punch Lucifer in the jaw making his head move to the other side with the force of the punches. I keep punching him until I'm satisfied with how much blood that is coming out of his mouth along with his face, Lucifer is screaming in pain which is starting to do my head in, and I put the knuckle dusters back in the tool kit then take out a stanley knife then laugh when I see Lucifer's reaction. I start to cut off his fingers one by one, I might be enjoying hearing Lucifer cry like a little bitch, and there is a lot of blood on the floor since he's bleeding from his face now his hands. 

I look in the tool kit thinking what else I could use to torture him, I picked out a swiss army knife then smiled to myself, started cutting up Lucifer's arm starting from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder, and stabbed him in the stomach then stood up watching all of his blood fall off his body onto the floor. Lucifer looked at me with a guilty look which made me laugh as I took my pistol out from my jeans then smirked, I shot Lucifer in the foot which made him scream again, it made me laugh while deciding to get a knife from the tool kit then slitting his throat, and I stood there watching the blood go everywhere. I looked at Harry along with the rest of the guys with a warning look, they nod at me then I gave them a slight smile before walking out of the basement, and leaving it to Harry to get rid of the body. 

I go on my bike then make my way to the clubhouse I really want to hug Amy, I was planning on spending the night watching movies with her until all that shit happened with Lucifer, and because of him that's not going to happen ugh he ruined my night stupid dick. I arrived at the clubhouse, I walked in I did notice Amy looking at me then to my top which I know has blood on it, I walked over to the table she's sitting at, and walk over to Lazer before whispering in his ear. 

"Go help Harry get rid of the body. Don't let Amy in the room until I'm done getting this blood off me" I whisper to Lazer making sure that he's the only that can here me. 

I walk into the room then get straight into the shower, when I get out of the shower I see Amy sitting on the bed some staying out of the room I thought to myself while putting a pair of boxers on before getting into bed to  cuddle with Amy.  

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