Johnny Imagine

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A soc pushed you down in school and you dropped all of your stuff.
The socs left busting up laughing and you were still on the ground picking your stuff up. You hated how you were treated this way, you hated that there were Greasers and Socs. I mean come on we are all people, it's not like anybody is lower than the other person. You think it's stupid that we have to live like this and socs get everything they want. While you were picking up your stuff you saw Johnny come in.
"H-Hey Y/N! Ya need help?"
"Nah it's fine...I got it Johnny..thank you though"
He smiled and you just proceeded to pick up your stuff. After you were done you put the stuff in your back pack and stood up.
"Hey Y/ and Ponyboy are gonna watch the sunset tonight...wanna c-come?"
You lightly smiled.
"Sure Johnny..thank you..."
You two looked at each other for some time until Johnny broke the silence.
"U-Um...ok...we better get goin before any socs get here"
You two walk back to the Curtis house.
"W-what were ya doin on the ground picking up ur stuff anyway?"
" socs...pushed me down and I dropped my stuff"
Johnny opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but he shut it quick.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine..thank you for askin"
He lightly smiled and continued to walk. When you guys got to the house, you could hear music blasting from inside. Johnny opened the door for you and you thanked him. You two walked in and Two bit was watching Mickey, Soda and Steve were arm wrestling, Darry was making dinner, Ponyboy was watching Soda and Steve, and Dally....he was probably out doing something illegal.
"Heeeeyyyy! There they are!"
You assumed that Two bit was drunk because of his tone of voice.
"Hey Two bit"
Johnny said shyly. Two bit got up and ruffled his hair.
"Hey Y/N!"
"Hey Two bit"
He smirked and walked back to the tv.
"Hey Y/N glad you could make it"
"Thanks Darry, it's always good to be here"
Darry smiled and went back to cooking. Dally busted through the door.
"Woah! Now that's some action!"
He had a busted up lip, cuts on his arms, and bruises on his temple and face.
"You ok Dally?"
Johnny asked quietly. Dallas smirked and walked right up to him, he ruffled his hair.
"Don't sweat it Johnnycakes, I'm fine"
He noticed that you were here.
"Why hey Y/N"
"Hey Dallas"
He lit a cancer stick and went to sit on the porch. You looked around and everyone seemed in a good mood. To be honest you think that it's a cute and adorable nickname for Johnny. Johnnycakes, it suited him because he's so sweet and caring. Also another nickname you thought suit him is Puppy. He represents a puppy so why not call him that either?

Few hours later.....

Johnny walked over to the couch you were sitting on and sat next to you.
"Hey Johnny"
"Hey Y/N"
Two bit walked in the room. He was stumbling a bit, maybe to much alcohol?
"Heeeeyyyy it's the two love birds!"
You and Johnny turned red as a tomato. You guys weren't dating, you guys were best friends. hope that Johnny will be your boyfriend. You wanted him so much to love you back like you did him. But you doubt that he looks at you like that.
"Leave the poor kids alone!"
Soda came out of the dining room sitting on the floor. Thank you Soda.
Two bit griped and sat down on the chair. It was getting dark and Johnny went over to Ponyboy. He had three notebooks he was writing in and some other papers he was writing in.
"Hey Pony? Will ya be able to come out with us?"
Pony looked up from his Science notebook.
"Sorry Johnny, I have homework to do, my teachers have really been piling it on"
"Oh ok"
"Sorry I would if I could but I can't"
"No I understand"
Johnny walked back to you and helped you up.
"Lets go Y/N, don't wanna miss it"
You nodded and waved bye to everyone. You guys walked out and Johnny looked disappointed. You put a hand on his shoulder.
"You ok Johnny?"
" come?"
"'s just you don't look so ok"
Johnny sighed.
"No yeah I'm fine just thinkin"
You nodded and continued walking. When you guys got to the park the sun was just above the clouds close to the hill at the bottom.
"Look Johnny!"
Johnny looked up from the ground. His face brightened up a little. Yet you were here getting all excited about this, it was pretty.
You grabbed Johnny's hand and ran to the park hill. You guys found a good spot cause nobody was on the hill. You two sat next to each other not caring whether you two were close or not. Your attention was all on the sunset, it was the most beautiful thing you've seen today...well...except for Johnny. You looked at him and he wasn't looking at the sunset instead he was looking at the ground.
"You aight?"
Johnny looked up from the ground and he looked like he was on the verge of crying.
You put your hand on his arm.
"What's wrong? Ya know you could tell me anything...right?"
He let a few tears shed. It broke your heart so you pulled him into a tight hug.
"It's ok calm down...what's the m-matter?"
You could feel Johnny take a few deep breaths. You could feel him loosen up a bit.
"W-well I just....*sigh*don't like living like this anymore, i-it's been g-going on for a long...time, I just want stop"
You tighten the hug and started to pat his back.
"I k-know we are in a jacked up world but we can't do anything about it, I wish we could I really do, but it will get better...things will get better over time, we just have to wait for now"
Johnny sobbed a bit and returned the hug. You couldn't help but cry yourself, it pained you so bad that he was crying.
"Don't cry...please don't cry Y/N?"
You wiped your face and looked up to him.
"I...don't like seeing you l-like...this"
After your vision cleared from the blurriness of tears you two looked into each other's eyes again. His eyes were so beautiful and soft. Johnny put his hand on your cheek and started to caress it. You were blushing so you put your face down. He shook his head and brought your face to where you could see him.
"I...I love you Y/N"
He said so softly. You looked at him and he brought your face to his lips. He closed the gap by putting his soft lips on yours. You were kind of confused at first but after a few seconds, you closed your eyes and kissed back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought his lips closer. He smiled and continued to kiss you. You loved how it was so sweet and gentle, of course that's how Johnny is.
You two separated and you immediately hugged Johnny. He wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you too Johnny Cade"
You two pulled back and he just kissed you again.

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