Two bit Imagine

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This was requested by @okaydixon

I walk through the door of my little apartment that I have. I just got done with work and put my check on the counter. Today was payday. I go to my room and change out of my work clothes and into my casual wear. I decided that I'd head over to the Curtis house to see if Two bit was there. He was my best friend, a very close one from my perspective. We'd do anything normal couples would do expect kiss because we aren't a couple. I love him very much but I don't know if he feels the same way I do. I'll just hope for the best.


I walk through the door to the Curtis house and make my way to the couch. The only people that were here was Ponyboy and Soda.

"Hiya guys" I greeted the two boys. "Hi Makenzie" Ponyboy greeted looking up from his homework page. "Hey Makenzie!" Soda shouted from the kitchen, he peeked his head from the side. I waved. "Where's everyone?" I ask taking off my shoes and putting them to the side. "Darry is still at work, and....I don't know where everyone is, just out I guess" Soda answers while walking into the living room. I nodded and put my feet up to the side and sprawled on what's left of the couch that Pony isn't using. I grabbed the remote and started to surf through the channels.

About 15 minutes later, Two bit, Johnny, and Dallas walked into the house laughing about something. I adjusted myself on the couch so the boys could sit down. Ponyboy just got done with his homework and put it away in his backpack, he got up to go put it in his room.

"Hey Mac!" Two bit greeted, I smiled and waved. He ran over and collapsed on me. I groaned from the sudden ambush and wrapped my arms around him, patting his back. " too.." I said strained. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I blushed but made it seem like I was still strained. "Eeesh...did you have to fall on me?" I asked getting up and rubbing my stomach. He grinned and nodded his head. I playfully rolled my eyes. That's Two for ya.


Now that Darry got home and Steve showed up, all of us took this time to relax in the front room and watch a movie. On the big couch was me, Two bit, Johnny and Ponyboy. Darry was in the individual chair. On the floor was Dallas, Soda and Steve. We were watching a drama film, I was cuddled into Two bit's side while he had his arm wrapped around my figure. I started to fall asleep, that is until Two shifted a bit causing me to jolt awake.

"Woah, you a'ight?" Two whispered, I looked up at him and nodded. "I'm fine" I assured him, he grinned and pulled me towards him. I blushed and he smirked. "Ya know? You two should be a couple" Steve pointed out, my cheeks started to heat up. "S-Shut up Steve!" Two bit threatened, Steve held his hands up in surrender. "Geez, I'm just saying.." Steve said turning his attention to the tv.


When the movie got done everyone started to leave, I figured I will take my leave too. I grab my hoodie and put it on, I walked outside. Not even 8 feet in front of the house I heard Two.

"Makenzie!" I saw him run out of the house. I turn around and face him. "Yeah?" I ask putting my hands in my sweater pockets. "Let me walk ya home, I don't want ya getting jumped or anything.." He said, I smiled and blushed that he cared about my safety. I nodded and we started to walk that way.

We walked up to my door and I got my key to unlock the door. "Do you want to come in?" I asked opening the door and putting my key in my pocket. He nodded and followed me inside, he closed and locked the door while I put my key down.

"I need to ask you a question Makenzie" Two bit said softly. I walked up to him. "What is it?" I asked, concerned of his tone. I look at his face to see a few shades of pink tinted on his cheeks. Maybe that's from the cold outside? "Would ya...wanna be my...girl..?" He asked, the shades of pink turning into shades of red. Now it's my turn to blush. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I would love to be ur girl Two bit" I answered and kissed his cheek. He smiled widely and kissed my lips passionately. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time.." He said sweetly. I smiled and just kissed him again.

Hope you liked this! Sorry this took so long! Love ya guys!
STAY GOLD!❤❤💕💕😘😘

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