*When He's Jealous*

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Since Darry is older and thinks he needs to be mature, he'll try to keep his cool. But the longer the guy is there, the more he's tending to get the guy out of there. So he'll say that he needs to beat it and once the guy ran, he'll pick you up since your shorter than him and kiss you.

Two bit:

Knowing Two bit and his cockiness, he'll make the guy uncomfortable by telling jokes that refer to him. You laugh your ass off and the guy will just eventually leave with Two bit saying that he should of left in the first place while gripping your waist tight.


He's quiet and we all know this. When he gets jealous he won't do anything because he trusts you. If the guy starts to get all handsy and you try to get him off of you, Pony will go up to the guy and push him down to the ground saying "LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!". You two walk off and he gives you little pecks on your cheek.


No one EVER dares to flirt with Dally's girl unless they have a death wish. But boys will try anyway, they don't think that he'll actually kick their ass. Some of them think that he's all bark and no bite, but boy were they wrong. One boy decided to be an idiot and go up to you and flirt with you while you were trying to get them out of your face. Dallas noticed and his blood boiled, he went up to the guy and punched him square in the nose. He pulled you into a room and he put some marks on you that proves that your his ;)


To be honest, you never knew that he could be jealous. You weren't complaining or anything but you always thought he was so sweet and shy, but nope. When guys flirt with you he goes up to them and tells them to leave you alone and he pulls you away from him. Once there was no sight of he gives you multiple kisses on you cheek and nose and tells you that "Your mine".


He's a mix of Dallas and Johnny. The guy will arrive and start to flirt with you, you try to get him to go away. Soda goes up to the guy and tell him to leave my girlfriend alone. Once he's gone, he pulls you into and kind of rough and passionate kiss. He gives you a couple of nicks on your neck to show people not to mess with you because your taken.


Steve....um....he's just full on out jealous. Even if a guy talks to you, he will tell him to beat it. He grabs your butt and hoist you up to his eye level and you guys will have a make out session basically. Don't worry he will let you have some friends, just as long as they know that it's just friends.

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