Dallas Imagine

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This was requested by @justinbieber7650


"Hey! What's up?" I woke up to the mumbling sounds of people talking, I sat up on the couch, yawning and rubbing my head. The boys were in the kitchen right now, talking about a rumble that was going to happen. Last night, the socs got a hold of me and beat me to the pulp.


I was walking from the Dingo, I had my switchblade in my pocket of my dark jeans in case some socs come and try anything. I was almost to the Curtis house until I heard a loud honk behind me.

"Hey! Greaser!" I didn't say anything but walk faster. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I started to sprint towards the house but they drove right in front of me so I couldn't go anywhere. "Hey! I just want to talk to you!" He slurred, really? This early in the day they get drunk?

"What the hell do you want?" I asked sassily, putting my hands on my hips, one of them reaching for my switchblade. About three socs got out of the car, circling around me. One of them started to walk towards me. I flipped out my switch quick. "Don't you dare come near me!" Somehow the guy managed to smack the blade out of my hand, he gripped my waist.

"I just wanted to be sincere, now you had to go and fuck it up now, huh?!" He pinned me to the ground, hovering over me. "Now were gonna teach you a lesson" since he didn't pin my legs, I kneed him in his sensitive areas, he doubled over in pain. "You fucking bitch!" The other two guys came to hold me down before I could even move a few inches, one of them slugged me in the cheek and the other kicked me in the shin. If you didn't think that would hurt, your crazy. They kept punching and kicking, I tried to call for help. "HELP! DALLAS! JOHNNY! DA-" the guy who I kneed in the balls, punched me in my cheek. "Shut up! You bitch!" He put his hand over my mouth, I bit his hand and he slapped me across my face. I could feel blood trickling from my right cheek and my neck.
I felt the weight decease off of me as the socs made a run for it, what were they running from?

"God damnit! Bella?! Are you ok?!" I looked up and it was my twin brother Johnny. It kind of hurt to talk because I screamed to much, I slowly started to sit up and Dallas and Ponyboy were chasing them off with their blades. They drove off leaving them in the dust, they put their blades away and walked over to where I was.

"You ok Isabella?" Ponyboy kneeled beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I lied by nodding my head.

"No, you're not" Dallas said helping me up. "Did they pull a blade on you?" He asked examining my face, I winced because he ran his finger over the cut on my cheek. "Bella...come on" he put my arm around his shoulder so I could walk, he put his other hand on my waist for extra support. We walked over to the Curtis house so I could be cleaned up.


"Hey? You ok?" Dallas walked over and sat next to me. I nodded still feeling some pain from my cheek. "They gave you a real shiner, look" He walked me over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I looked into the mirror, wow! I have a cut across my cheekbone and a disgusting black and purple bruise from the top of my head clear to my cheek. I ran my hand across it and winced at the pain I still had. "Don't worry...it doesn't look that bad...you still look..beautiful" I blushed, luckily I had the bruise or he could tell.

"Thanks...lets go eat" I said walking out with him following me.


It has been a week later and somehow, Johnny managed to set up a date for me and Dallas. My cut and bruise has healed up a little, the bruise is mostly gone and the cut is just a scar now. I was so nervous and scared, I've never been on a date before and I'm going on one with Dallas Winston. Don't get me wrong! I'm excited really but I'm just so nervous, I don't want to screw up. I've always liked Dallas and I want him to like me as much as I like him, I don't want to risk losing him.


I was currently at the drive in with him, the movie that was on tonight was Risky Business(I love that movie, Tom Cruise is so awesome!😂😂😁😁). I was currently singing along to the part where he's in his living room.

I Got That Old Time Rock and Roll! 

"Hey?" I looked over to Dallas, he had a tint shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Yeah?" I gave him my full attention.

"I never got to mention tonight...you look beautiful" he smiled at me, I blushed. "Sorry if it didn't really sound sincere..I'm not usually good with this stu-".

"Hey, don't worry, I accept your compliment...thank you" I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, he smirked and put his arm around me. We continued to watch the movie.


After the movie, we started to walk back to the Curtis house.

"Thanks Dallas..." I said shyly.

"Huh?" He looked down at me. I blushed some more.

"I said thanks, thanks for taking me on this date"

"Honestly, you have your brother to thank, he's the one that set us up"

"Yeah, but...you had the courtesy to take me on it, that's why I thank you" I blushed. Next thing I knew I felt a pair of warm lips on mine, I put my arms around his neck. We pulled away and I was smiling like an idiot. "What..was that for?" I probably had red all over my face.

"Be my girlfriend?" He smiled at me, I smiled back and nodded. Now, I gotta make sure that I tell my kid brother thank you.

This was for you Isabella! I hope you liked this! STAY GOLD!!❤️❤️💕💕🍫🍫

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