Darry Imagine

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This imagine will take back to when you and him were in highschool. You are a person who isn't a complete nerd but you weren't popular either. Darry of course is the quarterback for his highschool football team. And we all know the attention the football players get, especially the quarterback.

My friends and I were walking down the hall on our way to class. The late bell is gonna ring any minute now so I dragged me friends over to our class cause I don't want to be late...again.
We rushed in and sat in our seats. The teacher walked in and started talking about some Science crap that I don't even know about, I don't even think any of us know what it is.

Time skip to lunch....

I put my stuff in my locker and went to the cafeteria. My class before lunch I had none of my friends so that was a bummer. I looked for my friends and they were talking to some of the people from the football team. Hmmm. I never knew they talked to them. Oh well. I walked over to my friends.
"Hey girls what's up?"
"Hey guuurrrrrlll"
I giggled a bit. Once I got a good glimpse of the group I just noticed that one of the most popular people is in this group....Darrel Curtis. I got kind of nervous because to be honest I had a crush on him. I never did talk to him, I only looked at him here or there. I blushed a bit when he looked at me. I didn't know what to do so I just put a strand of hair behind my ear and looked down while listening to what my friends were talking about. The bell had rang to go to the next class, so I ran out of the cafeteria. I heard someone call my name but I ignored due to my class being all the way on the other side of the school and I didn't have time for talking. I got my stuff out of my locker and rushed to my other class.

Time skip to the end of school....

I met up with my friends in the school parking lot.
"Hey girls!"
"Hey Y/N!"
I ran to them in their car.
That's a voice I never heard. I turned around and it was...Darrel! I kind of panicked because this is my first encounter with him and it's kind of new for me. I straightened up my multiple binders and my hair. He walked up to me.
I managed to say shyly.
"It's...Darrel right?"
There was a awkward silence between us and I just looked down.
"Wait...how do ya know my name?"
"Your friends...they talk about you all the time"
I blushed a bit.
"All good things I hope?"
"Don't worry they are"
I let out a breath of relief. He chuckled a bit. I laughed a little myself.
"So..how have you been?"
"Oh...um..I have been good how bout you?"
"I have been great this week actually my team and I are getting ready for finals"
"Oooohhhh yeah, I hope you guys win"
"Wait..you won't be there"
"Well..I usually don't go to games...never have the time"
"Well you should I could get you a spot near the bottom"
"OH! No you don't have to I still don't even know if I have time"
"No but I want ta"
"Maybe I could make arrangements for that specific day"
"Yeah! That would be awesome!"
I laughed at his cheerfulness. Me and him just talked for the next 15 minutes, I told my friends that they could go home and I'll find another way. Overall he's actually a pretty great guy. He said that this one time he pied his younger brother Sodapop in the face, I laughed I mean who doesn't want pie smashed in your face? Well obviously according to his story, Soda doesn't. He said that he was lucky it was his favorite kind of pie and not some other random kind.
"Wow Darry! I had no idea! That's so funny!"
He laughed along with me.
"Hey besides finals coming up you got a date coming with you for homecoming?"
Oh crap! I forgot all about homecoming! But I only go with my friends because nobody ever asks me.
"Well...no..because nobody ever asks me so I just go with my friends"
He looked shocked, what it's not like I couldn't attract anyone.
"Your kidding?"
"No? What can I do?"
"Cmon! I mean who wouldn't ask you?!"
I blushed a bit.
"Well...apparently nobody"
"Ok if you don't come to the dance with a date then I'll come to the dance with a dress on"
I laughed a bit.
"Go ahead! But I'm telling you nobody is gonna ask me I'm trying to save you right now"
"No I'm gonna go with my deal I'm pretty sure you'll have a date"
"Ok whatever you say Darry"
"Hey I should get going my parents must be looking for me"
"Do ya have a ride?"
"No but I could just walk"
"Nope I'm gonna give you a ride home"
"You don't have to my house isn't th-"
"Nope you are going home safely and that's final"
I chuckled to myself.
"Oooook then"
Me and Darry hoped into his car and he drove me home.
"Thanks for the ride home I really appreciate it"
"No problem, see ya tomorrow Y/N"
"See ya"
I walked up to my doorstep and he was still in the drive way waiting until I go inside. Before I go inside I give him one final wave of my hand and walk in. He smiled and backed out.

Time skip to Homecoming....

Today was homecoming and I still didn't have a date. I told Darry that he didn't have to do this but he didn't listen. These past days me and Darry have become really great friends, he's a nice and fun guy to hang around with.
As I was getting ready I put on a teal-blue short kind of tight dress, I don't really like showing of my curves. And some black 3 inch heals with an anklet made out of nice jewelry. I put on black mascara and kind of put a smokey eye look to my eyes of course, I put on some dark red lipstick. Again I'm going with my friends.

Hey guys there will be a part 2 to this imagine it's just the word count on this is way more than what I do but I will continue it so I hope you like it so far.

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