Dallas Imagine

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This was requested by SophiaMarieWinston
WARNING! This may be triggering! I'm not assuming anything I don't know if you have these problems, it's just part of the imagine.

That's all I could do right now. Away from my pain. Away from everything that ever hurt me in life.

Keep running!
I can't turn back or else it would get me. No turning back or else I'll never see the lights of another day.

Away! Away! Please?!
Can't I just have a normal life? Can't I just be a normal teenager? Why did things have to turn out like this?

My parents....my friends....would they be better off  without me?
All I've done was cause everyone so much pain. All I've done was make people worry about me and treat me like some child who needs to be cared for because they are so weak.

My parents are dead....slaughtered on the couch....blood everywhere....something walked through the door. It was a dark, shadowy figure walking towards me. I didn't want it to be my end so I bolted. I heard loud mumbling and it ran after me, what does it want from me?
I kept running and it kept following, after a few minutes I've managed to get away from it. I felt glad but I wasn't gonna stand around and celebrate just yet. All I knew is that I was heading somewhere far away from here.
Tears of pain and regret ran down my cheeks like waterfalls, my heart beating of fear, my whole body hurting from pain. Everything in this world is pain, everything in this world is shit!
Why did I have to come to this world? Why did I have to be born? Does this world do anything but destroy?!
The two people I loved the most have been murdered and now I have no family left at all.
I ran behind a tree breathing heavily, I slid down and plopped my butt on the ground. I don't care who I was running from. I'm hoping it's just a figment of my imagination, I always hallucinate things chasing me but I never thought it would get this serious. But I know that it was real because I felt it touch me with its own hands.
I heard footsteps, I stopped crying and kept quiet so they would go away. I felt the footsteps come closer, closer...my breath hitched. There it was, the figure.



That voice sounded familiar, I slowly opened my now red eyes and it was, Dallas? Was he the one in the house? Was he the one chasing me? No it couldn't be.

"D-Dallas...w-what are y-you doing here?"

"Well! What are you doing here?! I went to your house! I was worried! Why were you running from me?!"

"I, I....I'm s-sorry, I-I thought...."

"That's right! You didn't think! You didn't think at all!"

I jumped back at his tone of voice, I kind of whimpered a bit. I turned from him, letting the tears silently roll down my cheeks.

"I-I'm s-sorry"

I heard him sigh and felt that I was being pulled. I was at Dallas's side with his arms wrapped around me, I looked up at him feeling utterly embarrassed for crying. Dallas looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes. All I could do was stare at him for what it seemed like  hours but instead it was like 2 minutes. Next thing I knew I felt warm on my lips, Dallas was really close to my face with his eyes closed. I realized they were his lips on mine, I didn't know what to do in this matter so I just returned his kiss. He pulled away with me having my eyes closed still and slowly opening them.

"Cmon, I'll let you stay in my room for the time being"


"Yeah, I'm sorry that happened to you"

"Thanks but it's not your fault"

He smirked at me and he picked me up bridal style, I kind of gasped because I was not expecting it. He carried me all the way to his house. From that moment on I knew that Dallas would always be there for me. Always.

This is for you Sophia! Hope you liked it!❤️❤️💕💕

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