Lost Memories and Pride [Hajime Hinata]

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Short Summary: Lost Memories and Pride. Yes, I know. How did I know that? I don't know.

Make sure to read the A/N at the end. It just tells about my schedule...

Read on, you thirsty bitches! JK! Love you <3



"She's waking up!"

"Shut up, Pigshit!"


"S-Sorry, Big Sister Mahiru!"

Slowly, my eyes opened into tiny slits. My head felt heavy as it rested on the pillow. The last thing I remembered was... was....

"Are you okay, Y/N-chan?"

In a daze, I stared at the wall.

'Who's Y/N?'

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. A girl with choppy purple hair smiled gently at me.

"G-Good morning, Y/N-san."

'Y-Y/N...? Is that my name?'

"A-Am I Y/N?" I questioned the girl.

"Yeah, you kinda fucking are." A short boy with blonde hair cursed. His arms were crossed, and his hair was cut very short with a few lines going through the side of his head.

Next to him was a girl with silver hair done into two braids. She was taller than him... by a lot.

"Young master, not so rude!" The girl shushed him.

He did a quick 'tch' before breaking eye contact with me.

"Whatever, I do whatever the fuck I want!" He spat.

The silver-haired girl sighed before sending me a sad smile before mouthing the word: "Sorry."

I nodded, still slightly confused to my surroundings. As my eyes glanced around the room, I saw a boy sitting down, smiling at me.

"I'm glad you're awake, Y/N-san." He grinned. A chunk of hair stuck upwards from the middle of his head, and his eyes were a nice bronze green color.

"It's a relief that you're okay!" A girl with red hair and freckles smiled.

"U-Um..." I stuttered, trying to absorb the world around me.

The girl with the choppy purple hair turned and looked to the crowd of students.

"G-Guys! She has amnesia, so sh-she probably doesn't r-remember any of y-you."


"Really? In that case, I'll go first!" A short boy with brown hair curled into this mohawk trend that completely failed came up first. "I'm Teruteru, and I'm the Ultimate Cook! I'm your boyfriend!"

At the moment, I coughed rather loudly at 'Teruteru'.

"'Scuse me?" I questioned.

He huffed proudly before kissing my hand.

Instinctively, I pulled away. "Gross." I absentmindedly mumbled.

Teruteru sighed before going back into the mob of students.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience that our fellow student has caused you. My name is Miss Sonia, or you may just address me as Sonia, Miss Y/N." A blonde girl smiled at me. A regal air surrounded her. "I'm the Ultimate Princess."

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