Betrayal [Nagito Komaeda]

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[Emo] Nagito Komaeda X [Emo] [Insane] Reader

This one should be interesting--

Sorry, I don't really know what people mean by emo, so it might not be accurate ;; 

Fair warning, this is realllllyyyyy bad.

Requested by: The_SHSL_Fighter


"No! Please, stop! Miss Yukizome, what are you-- MMPH!"

Her eyes, swirled with utter despair, peered into mine as her hand tightly covered my mouth. Yes, I had thought on a few occasions whether I should kill myself or not, but never in a million years would I have thought that despair would seal my fate.

"Now, now, Y/N~" Chisa purred, an expression of pure, sick love spread across her face. "I'm just going to hurt you a bit, so don't move!"

I felt another pair of arms grab me. My head snapped over to the person to find that is was Mikan. Her eyes reflected the same despair in Chisa's.

"Hehe~ D-Don't worry, Y/N! I'll take good care of you!~"

"Tsumiki, make sure to erase her memories."


A blindfold was placed over my eyes, and cold hands traced the skin on my temples before I felt cold metal being pressed against it. As I was about to mumble one last cry, I felt a jolt of electricity pierce through me, ripping me away from my own sanity.

-Present Time-


Blood splattered across my cheek as I forcefully shoved my foot down at the corpse's chest, a large grin still across my face. If only this were the person I was supposed to take down. The Ultimate Hope should still be lurking around here.

"Hehehe~" I giggled, my eyes glowing red with both hatred and despair. "If only Junko hadn't died, my life would've been so much easier!" I wiped a fake tear from my eye and smiled down at the dead body in front of me.

He stared up at me with those blank eyes of his. A horrified expression was permanently on his face. 

I leaned down and grabbed his head, kissing his pale cheek. "Sleep tight, big brother."

My hands let go of the head, watching his lifeless purple eyes stare back at me as I did so. [HE'S BACK~]

Behind me, I heard shuffling. Immediately, I got into my fighting stance, my bat gripped tightly in my hand. Silently, I prayed that it was a wild animal rather than a person. Social interactions had never been my thing.

"Come out, come out whoever you are!~" I hummed, a sadistic tune laced into my voice. 

Behind the broken and rusted metal, a boy emerged. I could see the same pain and despair in his eyes. He reminded me of myself.

Seeing him only caused my grip on my weapon to tighten. His arm... it was Junko's.

A look of anger flashed across my eyes. "That arm..."

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