Little Game [Izuru Kamukura] (AU) PT 2

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(Readers: Fuck no)

Just a little gift for all of you patient readers! Word Count: 4400+

I don't get it.

Why were you guys hyped for this chapter?

I guess as an author, I'll never understand... T^T

I tried to make it fluffy. Key Word: TRIED.

Guess who will win the love challenge? :)

Requested by: yukines_potato


It started as small and simple little tricks that would prove our love for each other. My mind started swimming in my thoughts of what I should do to show my affections for Izuru. I needed something that'll make him melt: something that'll break his ice-cold exterior.

A dirty thought crossed my mind

"FUCK TO THE NO!" I screamed at my locker.

Everyone was silenced and turned their heads over in my direction. Some whispered while others pointed.

Getting embarrassed yet angry at the same time, I yelled out once again. "What 'chu looking at, fuckers? Wanna fight?"

All of their eyes widened while some of the boys chuckled.

"Told you she was fierce. Nishishishi!"

At that, I smiled a bit. Fierce, huh?

Just as my smile started to fade, Izuru walked towards me, his hands shoved into his pockets. His red eyes softened as they met mine.

"Hey," He mumbled.

"Hey..." I said quietly in return, anticipating what he was going to do next.

His hands slowly rose from his pockets, and I saw a small black leather box in front of me.

My face flushed a bit, but I tried to hide it. He opened the box slowly, and in it sat a diamond necklace set in the white satin.

"What...?" I muttered, staring at the jewels glistening in the light.

Izuru smiled softly before saying the words that would make my heart melt. "It reflects light. It also reflects your beauty."

He walked around me, and his cold, slender fingers hooked around my hair out of the way. Mistakenly, his fingers brushed against the nape of my neck which sent a shiver down my spine.

I felt the necklace go around my neck, and it clasped in the back with the help of my oh-so-lovely boyfriend.

By this point, I could feel my face burning. Most students had gathered in a circle around us in the hallways, blocking off anyone who tried to cross onto the other side.

Once he was finished, Izuru spun me around, and I could feel his lips on mine.


I could hear clapping and cheers, yet occasionally among the crowd, I could hear the jealous girl scoffing or the sounds of their heels clacking away.

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