Shrouded Mysteries [Gundham Tanaka] (Int) PT 1

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Requested by: @autumnsin

Uh... so I don't really know how the "Gothic Lifestyle" is, so I did minor research. I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you were expecting.

Please forgive me!

This will also have an interactive class trial. YOU have to vote for the culprit. Now, it's majority rules, but there are major clues in this, so you'll be able to guess it quite easily if you're observant.

Your answer determines the next chapter/part.

Are you going to make it through another class trial, or are all of you going to make the despairingly wrong choice? The fate is yours.

Vote at the bottom A/N!


I sat in my cottage, staring blankly at the wall.

'I don't care about this life or another's.'

Banging my head against the wall, I looked over to my shelf that was decorated with little Monokuma plushies wearing different outfits, some being subtle while others made me slightly disgusted.

Sighing to myself, realizing that my life was on the line, I promptly headed over to my make-up desk, staring at the mirror.

Black-winged eyeliner was clearly visible, and small dashes of metallic black eyeshadow covered my eyelids.

Dark red lipstick was worn on my lips, but I didn't smile at my reflection.


My inner demons held a grasp of me. I chuckled slightly despite my hate for myself and others.

'I'm into punk, after all... Too bad Leon had to die before we could start our band together.'

I took my mask off of the counter, wrapping it around my face so that it covered my mouth.

I took my mask off of the counter, wrapping it around my face so that it covered my mouth

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[Funny how the pic I looked for had Junko Enoshima in it]

'No one needs to know my identity after all.'

I sported a black T-Shirt that only reached as far as the stop of my stomach. White letters writing in font said: "Killer".

I also wore black ripped skinny jeans, making sure to have fishnet tights underneath.

My shiny black combat boots were next to the bed.

Despite my "gothic" look, I looked at my socks to see unicorns and rainbows as the design.

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