Your Faithful Servant [Izuru Kamukura] {AU} PT 3

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Yes, this has a part three. There's probably going to be a part four and five, I don't know yet.

Anyways, it's like near midnight, and I'm going to type this on my phone instead of my laptop since it's quieter. Plus, my parents are literally sleeping in the room across from mine.

[Edit: I finished typing this on my phone in the morning]


Happy reading!

Izuru's POV


(Same one that Y/N had)

I stared at my tray, hoping that no one would notice the extra food sitting on it. If they knew, it was a possibility that my reputation would be ruined!

"Izu~ I'm going to sit over there, so don't be too long! Upupupu~" Junko, my "girlfriend" giggled.

I simply rolled my eyes and then started to grab an extra can of soda when someone called out to me.

"Yo, Izuru! Wanna hang with us?"

My bored eyes glanced over to Hajime Hinata and his boyfriend, Nagito Komaeda.

Komaeda was on Hinata's back, taking advantage of him and receiving a piggy-back ride.

'How cute... I wish Y/N and I could be like that...'

The instant I registered what I thought, I immediately shook out the thought.

'I shouldn't be thinking of that damned brat. She's leaving me for one grade higher anyways...'

"No, I have something else to do rather than hang out with your gay asses." I muttered coldly. (Don't get me wrong, I support the LGBT community with all my heart!)

"Alright then! See ya later!" Hinata waved while running off.

"Imbeciles." I murmured while rolling my eyes.

I quickly headed to the table that Y/N was at to find it completely empty.


I looked down at the floor and saw an origami boat with some writing on the side.

'Please let me and Izuru be friends again...'

My eyes widened a fraction slightly. A bit of sympathy washed over me, so I grabbed the F/F and wrapped it in a napkin.

I then sat next to Junko as she started rambling about her fantasies of plunging the world in despair.

I, of course, ignored the whole conversation and started thinking and delving deeper and deeper into my wave of thoughts.

'It's my birthday in two weeks. I wonder what Junko will get me. I don't think Y/N will get me anything though considering the fact I was so rude to her.

The weird thing is, she only has an apple for lunch. I wonder why she didn't buy anything else.

Was she really that broke?'

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