Shrouded Mysteries [Gundham Tanaka] (Int) PT 2

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"Syrup is still syrup in a Sippy Cup..."

[Melanie Martinez]


I pointed my finger accusingly towards the Ultimate Musician, a smirk playing on my face. "Ibuki, you said you would woke up early today and saw someone walk outside. Why didn't you head towards the restaurant?"

She stood there for a moment, a perplexed look on her face. "Hm? Ibuki fell back asleep after that... Ibuki didn't get much rest last night."

"Ahah!" Hajime shouted. "So you were out last night? Doing what, exactly?"

Sweat poured down the sides of her face, her eyebrows furrowing from frustration. "Y-You guys don't think Ibuki did it, did you?" She mumbled, her eyes getting glossy. "Ibuki heard a noise in the morning that woke her up, and-"

"Ibuki, there's no one other than you!" Akane growled, scratching her head.

"Huh? So it was her?" Hiyoko asked, her facial expressions darkening.

"W-Wait! Let Ibuki explain!" Ibuki pleaded. Her eyes were filled with worry.

"Y-You have no way to p-pr-prove your i-innocence." Mikan quietly said, tapping her fingers together. "

"H-Huh..?" Ibuki whimpered slightly, her confidence starting to shatter. "B-But..."

"Why were you up so early anyways, mortal?" Gundham asked, his eyes glancing over to the girl.

"Monokuma... he woke Ibuki.... for an odd reason..." She said quietly while staring down at her shoes.

"What was the reason?" Nagito asked.

"I-Ibuki... doesn't know..."

"Again with dodging the question." Togami scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Maybe she was to be framed?" Sonia asked.

Everyone turned towards the stand were Soda was supposed to be. A pink 'X' made with a screwdriver and wrench crossed over his eternally smiling face.

"It's unlikely." Mahiru stated.

At this point, Ibuki was a blubbering mess, her knees already dropped onto the floor. "Ibuki isn't guilty.... Everyone has to believe Ibuki..." She cried softly.

"We can't.... until you give us some proof..." Chiaki said, sympathy etched into her words.

"The blood... on Y/N's shirt..? What about that?" Ibuki asked, still mumbling through her waterworks.

"I must've gotten some of Soda's blood on me when I inspected his head. I did press him against my stomach though..." I explained simply, trying to break through Ibuki's walls. "Now, Ibuki."

She stared up at me, no hope present in her eyes.

"Who did you see in the morning?"

I didn't know if I was seeing things, but I saw her shoulders tense up and her face freeze along with all crying. Soon, her lips began to move. "Ibuki said Ibuki couldn't ca-"

"Don't give her that, mortal." Gundham interrupted. "You know full well who you saw. There's no point in keeping an accomplice a secret."

"Ibuki... saw Hajime..." She said out quietly.

Hinata tensed a bit before starting his explanation. "I was going out to explore the island. I probably walked out of the cottage the same time you woke up from Monokuma, Ibuki."

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