What Lives Under the Bed

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Told by _MeltingSnowflakes_

About a year ago, I was lying in my bed with the door open. From where my room is positioned, I can see straight down from one end of the house, to the other. My bed is positioned facing the door, so I can see basically everything that goes on while everyone else is asleep.

I have difficulty falling asleep and usually lay in bed for around two hours thinking. On this particular night, it was around 10:00 pm, and I was staring down my hallway. I live in Australia, and it was a summer night, so obviously it was hot.

I didn't have a blanket on and I was wearing short PJs, and at this time my fan was turned off and I didn't have the aircon I have now installed.

Out of nowhere, I felt this horrible draft of freezing air flood the room, so cold and sudden that it set my heart racing. It only lasted around 10 seconds, but it was so cold that the air I was breathing through my nose stung on the way in and I could see my breath as I breathed out through my mouth.

That should not have been possible.

I pulled the blankets up around me, panicking. I always get a strange feeling in my bedroom at night and this scared me so badly that all I could do for a while was lay still in my bed, blankets wrapped around me, even after the room was a normal temperature again.

After a few minutes, I pulled down the blanket and found myself covered in sweat and shaking. I thought everything was over, but I was wrong.

None less than ten seconds later, a shadow of a man (a man much younger than my dad) appeared in the middle of my doorway, visible by the light from my kitchen (we always leave that light on), seemingly coming from nowhere, and walked out of view. At this point, I was nearly in tears.

The thing that scared me so much about this man is not that he was a possible intruder, but that there no way that he could have walked down to my doorway without me seeing him.

He just appeared there.

After a few more painful hours of jumping at every small noise, I fell asleep. But it didn't end there.

About three nights after that, I was lying in bed again. This experience only lingered at the back of my mind, popping up only when the paranormal was mentioned. It was probably around the same time when I heard something fall off my bookshelf.

I jumped a little, and then shrugged it off. My bookshelf was a mess with books and other objects stacked in piles that teetered dangerously over the edge, so I just assumed something had slid off and the noise I'd heard was it hitting the floor, and that I'd fix it in the morning.

But then I heard breathing. The sound of heavy breathing like a person who'd just been running was panting from under my bed.

I panicked. I'd heard of burglars who had broken into houses and lived there, under their beds or in their cupboards without the owner's knowledge. I yelled for my mum, convinced that was what it was. That the shadow of a person I'd recently seen was a burglar who was living in our house.

The moment I yelled for my mum, it stopped. I heard my bed creak, but nothing happened. My bed's on stilts, so it would be easy for a person to hide down there. There's plenty of space and all they'd have to do was climb under my desk and sit still behind/in the suitcase down there.

I checked my floor next to my bookshelf the next morning, and nothing was on the floor. At the time, nothing was under my bed either, except for the suitcase which hadn't moved, but it seemed to have come from down there, and I checked the suitcase and made sure it was zipped up (as you can't zip yourself into a suitcase). I checked briefly inside our linen cupboard and our laundry cupboard, but there was nothing.

At the time of typing this story, I'm convinced it was paranormal, and out of all the people I've told, none of them has come up with a more logical answer.

At the time of typing this story, I'm convinced it was paranormal, and out of all the people I've told, none of them has come up with a more logical answer

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