The Armless Man

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Told by Mimiko

This is a story that happened when I was twelve years old. I only remember it so well because it is still a frightening story being told among my siblings.

It was around eleven at night, and I was in bed. I have troubles with falling asleep easily, so I start hallucinating while I'm half awake sometimes. This was not the case. I had the itching feeling something was watching me, so I randomly opened my eyes.

Since the kitchen light was on, it casted light down the hallway and lit up a portion of my room. In the doorway was a tall, thin, armless silhouette of a man standing there, watching me. Just as I saw it, the figure disappeared in less than a second.

Even if it vanished quickly, I had the image burned into my eyes. After that, I tried sleeping it off. Since I was freaked out now, I was constantly opening my eyes. The first few times I didn't see anything because I was so tired. Around the fifth time I looked, I saw the top of a round thing quickly dart around the corner of my doorway.

This was extremely terrifying. I closed my eyes, wanting to test and see if this was real. I quickly opened them again, and this time I saw half of a silhouetted head hide around the corner. It seemed to be watching me sleep.

Now I was just frustrated, so I got up and swallowed any fears as I walked across the room and turned on the lights. I didn't see it anymore that night.

The next day, I was at my grandmother's. She and my mother, along with me, were superstitious people. We didn't believe in, "unlucky black cats" or voodoo dolls, just spirits and such. I was explaining the situation to her when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Her house is supposedly haunted, and I believe it. So I thought it was just a random ghost passing by, or something. It could've been a bird for all I know. I shrugged it off, shivering. Something felt wrong. My grandmother's house was normally safe and comforting. Now it was cold, and I felt exposed.

I saw something move ahead of me through the doorway leading to the rest of the house, (we were in the kitchen). This time I was quick enough to catch it, and all my fear from the previous night came back. It was the man, and he disappeared around the corner just like he'd been standing there, listening to me explain. This made me lose it, and I started crying out of fear and confusion. My grandma noticed he was there too, and she ended up saging the house instantly.

After that, I saw his head ducking around corners in every room I was in. This lasted for at least a week, until it just stopped. Now I'm wondering if and when he'll come back, and why.

A few days later, all was well. I hadn't seen the man at all. When we were eating dinner, my mom turned her head to the left. The hallway was off to the side, and my room was hidden in the corner where you couldn't really see my door. Soon she returned to eating, and I asked her what was wrong. She answered, "It was nothing. I think it might've been RJ going into your room." (RJ, was our dog at the time. Rest in peace dear woofer.) I shook it off, but I was suspicious. Another few weeks later, I told my mom what happened because I'd been struggling with insomnia over it. She finally confessed in the morning, luckily. Her exact words were:

"Oh, during supper back then? I saw someone walking into your room. It wasn't detailed though, but it seemed masculine to me."

He was back.

He was back

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