Chapter Two: Welcome to a New World

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Y/N: Oh man.... This is going to take forever by the looks of it.

You sighed as you floated through the void of nothingness, wondering why exactly this had happened to you and where exactly you would be landing soon if you were even going to land somewhere. You had a feeling it had something to with Yamato and Rebellion colliding which could have probably caused a dimensional rift to happen which caused a slice in two different dimensions which resulted in you and Vergil getting flung into those portals.

Y/N: Wait.... Did that even make any sense of what I just said.... Hmm?

You thought about it for a moment trying to see if what you actually side even made any sense whatsoever, you were about to try and put two and two together when you felt the breeze of wind hit you fast. Looking down your eyes widened in your shock as you saw something you didn't expect so soon, a large thing of trees and you were heading in that direction. Smirking you tucked in your arms so your descend would be much faster as you grew closer and closer to the ground.

You were so intent on reaching the ground fast that you didn't notice someone was watching your fall before you landed in a tree using it to slide down the trunk before you leaped off it and skidded to a stop on a trail. You then rolled to slow down even more before looking around at your surroundings, there was nothing but trees, trees, and more trees meaning you had to be somewhere in the woods. Scratching your head and sighing once again, you looked up at the sky with a look of pure boredom on your face.

Y/N: Well shit.... I guess I better figure out where I am, also I need to find some civilization, but where do I start?

Looking around you needed to think of which way you were going to go, but you couldn't decide which way to go or which way even led to a village, town, or city or whatever is even here. Looking around you noticed a couple of hikers coming your way. There appeared to be about nine of them in total with 5 being men and 4 being women, but you felt that there was something off about them that you couldn't put your finger on.

Y/N: Um... Excuse me, I was wondering if you knew the direction to a city or town I'm kind of lost.

Hiker 1: Oh, we're heading to the village known as Doga, it's actually not too far from here and if you keep going down the trail this way, you should be there in a day or so.

Y/N: Alright then.... Thanks for that information.... But just one thing to say.

Hiker 2: What would that be?

Pulls Ebony out and points it at them.

Y/N: Die!

You then fired a few rounds into all nine of them and noticed something which you had hoped for, their blood was not the color red it was actually a dark purple which meant they weren't human. But your question now was what were they, they seemed like demons but they also felt like something else as well.

That's when you noticed the remaining ones that weren't dead were now changing shape, they were growing bigger with most of their clothes ripping and their skin changing from normal color to a sickening green. Along with their hair and eyes changing as well.

Y/N: Okay.... What exactly are you guys?


Y/N: Uh...... A yoma?


Just as they had lunged towards you, everything around you stopped as the yoma in front of you stopped moving, you chuckled seeing this before pulling out both Ebony and Ivory and preceded to fire more rounds into them before walking off. Snapping your fingers as the yoma landed on the ground with massive bullet holes everywhere on their bodies.

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