Chapter Twenty-Two: Important Discussion

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The rest of the day followed was quiet, you did not hear anything from Clare or Miria. The other two were most likely knocked out from the beating you had delivered to them. You had to admit, beating the snot out of them felt really good. The fact that they were supposed to be some of the strongest warriors in this universe caused you to chuckle a bit. The only thing you saw out of them was nothing more than trash. You wondered how they would act in the morning, but you still couldn't get this feeling that someone was watching you. For some reason, you kept this feeling that someone's eyes were watching you. But this all went away in the morning.

Getting up from your little spot, you were dry as a daisy and stretched your body. Grabbing Rebellion and your coat you walked out into the morning sun. Looking up there was barely a cloud in the sky. Glancing to where Clare and the other Claymores were at you wondered what their morning was like. Looking to the cave you saw Clare walking out along with Miria, they were now walking towards you.

Y/N: Good morning sleeping beauties so did you guys have a good sleep last night?

Neither of them said a word as they walked towards you, Clare having a serious expression on her face and Miria as well. Though, you could sense something was going on with the 6th Claymore. You also noticed that Helen and Deneve were not around either which had started coming to conclusions right away.

Clare: Y/N, we have a problem one that can't be fixed right now.

Y/N: What happened where are the other two?

Miria: That's the problem, Helen hasn't woken up yet and Deneve is still not at full power. Even though she is a Defensive Claymore it seems the damage you dealt yesterday was far more serious than we thought.

Your Thoughts: Hm... I may have accidentally drained them of their Yoki, by the looks of it, it'll take a while for them to regain it. Shit, just when I thought I had a good grasp of this new ability this happens.

Y/N: So what do you want me to do about it?

Miria: You're going with Clare and me to deal with the Awakened Being since you were the cause of Helen and Deneve being like this in the first place. They will stay here for the time being until we get back, it would be better for them to recover while and catch up to us.

Y/N: Alright, alright I'll help with this Awakened Being should be pretty fun to take on the real deal instead of a fake like in that city.

Miria: This isn't a game so take this seriously!

Y/N: Taking things too seriously makes things so not fun, besides, we should get a move on so we can deal with this Awakened Being. I'm all set up if you guys are set?

Miria knew not to make any moves knowing she was outclassed by your abilities, shaking it off she decided to just go with it. Telling you and Clare to come on you and her followed Miria. Looking to the cave you could see Deneve sitting next to Helen. Though when she looked at you for a moment. Deneve held a glare of malice clear as day on her face, you grinned evilly which halted the warrior's glare. With that out of the way, the three of you were off to slay the Awakened Being.

The three of you did not say anything for quite a while neither of you had the option of breaking the silence of the trip. Miria appeared focused on getting the job done, you felt part of her did not wish to be around you. You could not blame her if so. But you did notice her glance at Clare's sword, noticing the ominous appearance of it. Like the strange eye design on it.

Y/N: I get the feeling we're getting close, I can actually sense a presence and it's getting stronger as we continue on.

Miria: Is it the Awakened Being?

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